Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Here We Go With the Revised Plan

With the Half behind me, it's supposed to be Rest Week, right? But, you already know I've been running this week. Okay, that's a bit of a stretch ... I've been jogging. Lightly. But, still going so it still counts!

Anyway, you also know I've been considering upgrading my Go Girl 5K registration to the Half. I had the same idea last year, and, after trying to train for it decided it was a very bad idea. Out of nowhere this year, I had the same thought of upgrading, but I came up with a very different training plan. So, I just have to try and see what happens! I've done a number of things in the name of proper preparation including:
  • starting a totally different-from-last-year (= totally more reasonable for me) training schedule
  • confirming I can upgrade at any time including on race day itself -- bodes well for not having to stress about the weather!
  • confirming there will be plenty of finisher's medals even for last-minute registrants (um, running out of them debacle, anyone? The dude I asked thought I was insane, but I assured him I've been there before and had reason to ask.)
  • thinking through what my shirt will say and brainstorming with a friend on how it should look (get ready for some sparkle!)
The Crewers are totally behind me especially when they've been promised pizza for lunch after this run no matter what distance I choose. Look, there's good reason for these shirts:
They wear them often, but it's cool they'll be reworn in an
official capacity!
With a new plan in mind, I embarked on the endeavor Monday morning. Upon taking my first, singular step, I let out an audible, "Uggghhh." Evidently, my brain and my legs were not on the same page as far as Monday morning activity. Elly, however, was all about running around town, so we hit it at less than her pace which worked well for her sniffing desires.

Then, there was this morning after having rested yesterday, and things were much better. Well, the weather didn't exactly cooperate. It stormed almost all night and was still raining this morning. I piddled around on the computer for a little bit before heading to the treadmill but saw the rain had stopped. You bet I jumped at the chance to get outside!!

No sooner did I step out the door when I saw that rain now doesn't mean it's not coming:
I figured if we could at least get a mile finished before heading back in to the treadmill, everyone (read: the dog already on the leash who wouldn't understand not going anywhere) would win. It took absolutely no time at all before I heard very distant rumbles of thunder, so I knew we needed to finish the loop we were on, and head home.

While I found no money, there were some pretties along the way!
Okay, it's pretty, but does anyone else see
that ominous sky behind it? GET HOME,
Speaking of pretty, I double-blinged my hair this morning:
Dual blinging. Excellent.
Barely beating the incoming rain, Elly and I headed inside where I kicked it on the treadmill while Elly hid from the thunder. By the way, I've come to not loathe the treadmill. I'm not sure how long that will last, but I have to admit being very thankful for having it during this last training stint, or I would have been completely hosed with our Spring snow and all. Besides, what better way to keep up with the Kardashians? Hahahahahaha.

One more running day to go before a rest and a weekend! I'll see you tomorrow as the new plan unfolds!

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