Monday, April 1, 2013

Trust and Go

Easter candy, staying up too late watching The Good Wife and having popcorn while watching was probably not the best combination to fuel a good morning run if you can even believe it! It most definitely did nothing to motivate me out of bed nor have any kind of spring in my step this morning. In fact, I was dragging big time!! But, a run was on the calendar, so you know I went. I also had that overwhelming sensation where you know you're about to eat your own Oh, exercise will make you feel so much better words. Those words taste so much worse than my Easter candy, just sayin' ...

Oh, speaking of candy, check out what I found on the Facebook page:
I don't care for Peeps, but I totally loved this! Aren't they cute?
One more on the candy front:
I set sail without my furry running pal because I needed to just crank these miles out and get 'em done without being challenged or otherwise stopping to pick up poo. My friendly groundskeeper guy (the one who not only greets us every morning but also reminds me to be careful and have a nice day) even inquired as to where my partner was. I told him I was giving her a rest. He looked at me like I was out of my mind. He had a point; she is a dog who loves to run after all, but I didn't feel the need to further explain. (His what is wrong with you face was child's play compared to the one the cashier at the grocery store gave me later in the day when I not only gave her a weird -- and incorrect -- amount of money to pay but also tried to be funny about a price-check situation gone wrong. She really, really wanted me out of her line.)

I did, indeed, eat my exercise-you'll-feel-better words because I felt great by the time I hit a mile and a half. I was more awake, more alert, and all muscles that rolled out of the bed feeling tight were loose and fabulous. It's amazing how the body responds to being worked!

I saw two things of note along the route. First, I found a penny. Whee! Second, I came across the saddest road kill I've seen so far in my adventures. I don't normally take pictures of such things, but I just had to today. Ready? You've been warned:
Oh my gosh ... do you think it's one of the guys from the
picture above? Awwwwww ...
Four and a half years into this running thing, and I still have a hard time believing it's one of the best ways to start my day. I wouldn't have embraced that idea even just this very morning when I first got up. I've been through it enough to trust and go, but it's not an automatic default. Truth be told, I'm not sure it ever will be. I suspect that I will have to just trust and go (I'm digging that motto I just came up with) every sluggish morning. I'm betting on having to do so even this coming weekend for the Half. The good always comes around. Always. Every time. Mile 1 ... no later than Mile 2 ... it always comes around. You can count on it.

That being said, Rest Day is tomorrow, and I'm not sorry about it! I'll see you then!

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