Monday, April 22, 2013

The Bling's the Thing!

HAPPY MONDAY!!!! (I warned you yesterday that I was already stoked for Monday's run, so that brand of happy should not have been a surprise!) With the sun shining on a 40-degree morning, you know there was a very happy duo out running this morning!

Before I get to that, I want to offer a couple of summary thoughts on Boston. There are so many different aspects to it, and every individual felt them in their own ways. There is one aspect to it that permeated my mind and my heart, and there is probably no more concise way to say it than to copy and paste what I just posted on a friend's Facebook page. She posted the article, "The People Who Watch Marathons," (all linked up if you want to see it) to which I said the following:

Seriously brought tears to my eyes. She hit it on the head. Every, single run I've done has been about the whole picture -- the runners AND those cheering. It's about BOTH. And, while the runners are giving it everything they have, most in the crowd are giving from the heart -- so many admit they don't "get it" yet know it means something to the runners, so they *give of themselves*. Great article, thank you for posting on behalf of all who cheer.

I also must give a nod to my very favorite singer of all time for his attendance and performance at Fenway on Saturday!! I LOVE YOU, NEIL DIAMOND!

That being said, I bring us to the theme of the day ... Bling, baby!! I mean, check it out:
Not even drive-thru finds ... all random and fabulous!
And, of course there was this ...
Headband ... so sparkly!!
And, now, to round out the Blingy Trifecta, I have to share the whole Virtual Run situation!! It's like this: A few weeks ago, I was reading a runner's blog, and she mentioned having run a virtual 5K. I was completely intrigued, but I didn't yet take any time to investigate. Basically, on a scrap piece of paper (that I may or may not know where it is when I want it), I made note of the date I'd seen it on her blog, wrote "virtual 5K" and left it by the computer. I'm not even lying. See?
Lit by the light of the mouse ...
Then, there I was surfing around last night, and I came upon Run Find Your Happy Pace blog quite by accident, and I saw there was a virtual run registration going on for what they're calling, "The Sparkle of all Virtual Cupcake races"!!! I had to check it out!

For all that I have gathered in my very quick research, virtual runs basically work like this: There is a date declared to either run a particular distance, or the date is used as a target for you to run on-or-about. For some virtual runs, you need to submit your mileage and time at which point you are entered for random-draw prizes. For others (like this one), it's totally on the honor system. By registering, you are also sent a finisher's medal (seriously?!? Race Bling!!)! I realize that may sound weird because, frankly, you could certainly end up buying yourself a medal without actually doing the work. But WHO WANTS TO DO THAT?! Oh, and from everything that I've gathered, all of these are done for charity. So, everyone wins!

I was pulled to participate in this virtual run for two particular reasons. First, it caught my eye because it has a cupcake theme including CUPCAKE FINISHER'S BLING, and I have a girl who LOVES cupcakes! She loved cupcakes and their cuteness before cupcakes were even that cool, so this is something that runs through her veins! She also enjoys running AND just told me last week that while she's not sure she wants to run for her school again, she does want to run with me. (totally rules!) What better way to maintain the groove than by designing our own run?! You see where this is going ... I'm telling her this is what we're doing instead of asking her! Booyah!

The other reason this grabbed me is because I've been thinking long and hard about my running plans after the run in May, and there's a very, very long stretch before being able to participate in another Half (as there is already a conflict with my being able to participate in the Rock 'n' Roll event this Fall). And, the fact is, I've come to love the ebb and flow of short and long runs, and having a Half on the books has been a great way to ride that coaster without having to simply make myself.

SO, having this virtual run allows me to both impose a Half distance on myself while also being rewarded (beyond the whole health benefit side of it ... yes, indeed, very healthy, gimme the sparkle!).

There is a target date listed for this run, but it's the same weekend as the run for which I've already registered. So, that didn't make sense for me. What does make sense, though, is to tuck away the medals, PC#2 and I to set our goals, train, and run toward the end of July in our own event! AND, in icing-on-the-cake news (pun ... kind of intended) ... you remember my running friend Mary Kate who lives far away?! The one who sent me my pretty running charm before the last Half symbolizing running solidarity? SHE SIGNED UP FOR THE VIRTUAL RUN, TOO!! I sent her the link late last night when I found it, and, by this morning, she was all signed up!!! We're going to agree on a target date, and we'll go from there!!

WAHOO!! I'm seriously pumped about this (can you tell?!)! It's new and it's fun, and that's the way it should be!! The male part of the Pit Crew will be in full force that day, too!!

Years ago, I had no idea running would ever turn out to be this much fun!! I guess it's what you make of it!! Make YOUR Monday a great one, and I'll check in on tomorrow's Rest Day!

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