Hey Race Fans!! The festivities have begun, and you know what THAT means ... EXPO TIME!! I'll give a longer rundown next week when there's more down time, but allow me to offer some highlights to look forward to! For instance ...
I love my young Pit Crew pals! |
There's Aaron ... all ready to shop! Or, at least all ready to find
some free food samples and fill out things to enter drawings
to win stuff! |
Of course, it's time for the shirt reveal!
MY NEW SHOES!!! You will see me coming
from a mile away. We all gushed at how cool
it is that it matches my shoes. The dude who
was distributing the shirts did not get the
hubub at all. |
And, remember my whole thing about being all good with my in-your-face-pink shoes and not caring about what others do (or, more likely, do not) think?! It seems I'm taking that theme one step further:
I am chanelling my inner Bret Michaels. HA! It's a wicking
headband, and it feels awesome! Excellent for the heat when
it returns ... and, how cool is the saying?!? |
The Expo was totally fun, and I can't wait to give a more comprehensive rundown because you'll see there's some 'splainin' to do:
Nope. No wine yet ingested. You know that doing-two-things-
at-once phone commercial where that kid is shaking his arms
and head at the same time, and the adult acts totally fascinated?
Just sayin'. |
We're one step closer to the big run! Thanks for coming along with me on this crazy journey! I'll see you from a very special finish line tomorrow!!
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