Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Pants, Rhymes With Nance

I just received the email confirming my bib number for this weekend's Half -- which probably means I can stop obsessively pulling up my You Are Registered For This Event email, don't you think? It seems they're expecting me! Or, at least, my stuff will be there to pick up whether I arrive or not!

Anyway, I love getting this email because it comes with the rundown of the event and activities surrounding the run itself. You know, like the EXPO!! You know the Crewers and I love to scout out the Expo!! Whee !! There's tons of stuff to buy, but we pick up very little of it. I'm a bargain shopper, and I'm here to tell you there's not much there I'd define as bargain pricing! (Duh.) It's super fun to look, though!

Speaking of shopping, I've been on the lookout for a new pair of capri exercise pants. I like the ones I have, but I take issue with the fact that they don't have pockets. They don't even have the totally useless teeny-tiny pocket (big enough for a key or perhaps a quarter, not even kidding) my first pair had. They have nothin'. I can't believe one of the things on my wish list is to find a pair of capri exercise pants that has a pocket. I was at a sporting goods store today and struck out entirely. Does no one else who exercises need a pocket for something as important as, oh, say ... a camera ?! Sheesh!

Evidently, I don't understand the actual function of pants.
Tomorrow, the pup and I run. I with my pocketed pants; she without any pants at all. We'll see you after!

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