Thursday, April 25, 2013

A Prosperous Route Indeed

Okay, I started the day by running which is supposed to help run the day, right?! That picture thing I found yesterday said so, then I said so, so, it must be so. I have to admit that it did nothing to help my success nor subsequent mood when I spent many hours today rearranging one of the rooms in our house only to have it not work out in the end thereby requiring everything to go back where it originally was. Just sayin'.

Before getting to the at-least-everything-got-cleaned-in-the-furniture-moving-process extravaganza, I did, indeed, start the day with a really great run! It's shortest-run-of-the-week run day (yay!), and I took full advantage of its purpose. I set sail on my usual route with the plant to walk the last mile to the end. That way, Elly would get plenty of leisurely sniff time, and I had plenty of time to stroll and enjoy the lovely morning! Even though I have a route specific to the distance I needed to run, this felt like a better plan.

And, it was!
Oh, yes ... that's a quarter you see!! All in all, this route
produced an impressive 31 cents!! Elly looks patient here, by
the way, but she had tons of ants in her pants. She was ready
to GO GO GO!!
Don't you love when in the middle of
nowhere there's a random flower growing?
I was checking it out when I felt a vehicle
slowing down near me ...
Even Elly knew who that was ...
It's our friend Juli! With nothing on the
run agenda but to finish eventually, you
bet I stopped to talk! WAHOO!
Eventually, Juli had places to go and peole to see, so we went
about our separate biz. On my stroll to the day's finish, Elly
and I cut through a parking lot. Given the frequency of coming
upon seasonal road kill, you know this site was a bit startling
from afar. Never has tomato sauce given me such relief.
It's only a coincidence that her tongue is out. No tomato
sauce for the hound. It's merely a, "I love my dog so very
much" pic that interrupted her from her nose-to-the-ground
I'd say there was absolutely nothing noteworthy about the run itself, but that really wouldn't be true. It's totally noteworthy that I went at all! No matter how much fun I usually manage to find in this crazy activity, its foundation is still work, and there was a time it wouldn't have happened at all. Therefore, I don't downplay any time I get out there. Not one. Nor should you no matter what it is you choose to do!! Every time you make the effort, it counts, and you should be proud!

Speaking of counting ... have you checked out the Food Bank total recently? I'm only $1.08 (not counting the $20) away from finding the same amount of money as I found in total last year!! Cha-CHING !!! Am I too optimistic to think I might double the donation?? At this pace, I will do exactly that!! We'll have to see. I'm not in control of what's being left around on the ground. I am in control of making the effort to find it, though, so I'll be back at it on my next running day either Saturday or Sunday! I'll give that a ponder on tomorrow's Rest Day! See you then!

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