Friday, April 19, 2013

My Run, My Way!

Hellooooooo, Friday!! Normally a Rest Day, this morning was used to log the miles I didn't run yesterday because I'm a baby about both rain and the treadmill. Just being real. So, this morning was onward and outward!

I'm trying not to complain too much about the weather. By this time last year, it was much warmer, and, let's face it, the warmer it is, the less pleasant the run especially toward the end. Even for those of us who do enjoy getting our sweat on, heat can still be a hindrance. That being said, how many times can I revisit the theme, "All 35-degree mornings are not created equal"? A few weeks ago, 35 degrees was freezing because it was windy, and like an idiot I ran in shorts. Last week, there was a 35-degree morning, and I overdressed because the number was cold, but there was no wind. Today, 35 degrees in the sun seemed okay ... but, you guessed it, the wind trumped all.

In summary: Brrrr!!
Bangs. By Wind Blown
But, ba-da-bing!
The well has been a little more dry as of
late ... made up for it today!
I was bound and determined to take this morning's run as easy as possible. In very large part, I'm working to train my brain to calm down and take the runs easy. If I get too excited about the possibility of doing another Half this soon, I risk the great probability that I'll get overly confident that I can just blow through it (seriously?), I'll hit a wall during these training runs, and the possibility of turning this around to the next Half will be over. That's a big part of what happened last year; I almost had a "something to prove to myself" mentality going on. This year, my focus is on, "Seriously, how cool would it be to trot through this one and see the fam including the dog along the way!"?

I also know there is no way this cold weather can hold on, so it's pretty important I train the way I will need to run when it's hotter. Most people would argue that I can always slow down later, so, right now, I need to go faster. That's where it's awesome that I'm the only one in charge of me: I know I can always slow down if I need to, but I can't always slow down my mind.

Translation: Going faster now only to need to slow down later for any reason will require a ton of mental work on the actual day. I will have to spend time not only reminding myself to do it but to also not unintentionally put myself down for doing so. Oh, I know me, and I know that would be part of the equation. So, since I know my mind is what works harder than anything at that distance, I know I'm in tune with exactly what I need to be doing right now.

Besides, if I'm too lightening fast HA!, could I possibly fulfill my idea of taking Elly along with me during a stretch of the run? Oh, yes, my brain has been working on how to make this particular run fantastic!
"I will join you for however long you want, mommy, as long
as I get my end-of-run kisses then, too."
Oh, and while I'm still pondering doing it at all, Aaron received in writing from the race director that I can upgrade my registration on race day itself. (Yes, Aaron emailed, not me. He was at his computer, and I was too busy falling up some stairs and hurting my fingers and toes in the process. We all have our daily endeavors. I'm fine, by the way.)

After this fine, Friday run, I had to stop by Subway to get breakfast. And, lunch. They're doing a buy-one-get-one 6" before 9 a.m. all this month, don'tcha know, so that is a super score!
AND I found a penny in line. Excellent!
I ate breakfast, and Elly napped. Walking from the kitchen to another room dejected about not getting any Subway (even though I left it in the car when I stopped to get a Diet Coke and returned to her merely sniffing toward the back seat but not tearing into my meals) exhausted her.
Lesson of the day: Stick to what you know is right for you regardless of what others might think. Besides, those with the input don't have to do what they're suggesting. You do. And, you know what to do, so go on with your bad self, and I'll see you after the morning run!

Still praying for Boston

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