Saturday, April 20, 2013

Still Going Strong!

In case you didn't know, Elly's not so great with the numbers. She does not understand that Running Day + 7 miles does not equal Elly joins me. She heard me get up, and she came to check out my clothes. Knowing they were running clothes, she made all kinds of assumptions. Poor puppy.
Aaron just gave her a condolence chat
ending it by telling Elly, "It's not you.
It's her."
I can't say I was entirely pleased with all morning numbers myself. Thirty three degrees toward the end of April? Really?! I'm most definitely not ready to be hot, but I'm ready to stop being so chilled.
Frost on the ol' pumpkin this morning! Pumpkin, grass,
to-ma-to, to-mah-toe ...
No matter, it was time to head out and about regardless of the temperature! (Seriously, I just that Half is going to be blazin' hot compared to how things have been going! Even if it's mid-60s, we'll be all oh-it's-so-hot even though it's perfectly lovely! I'd like an Ease Me In for $200, Alex.

As mentioned yesterday, I did all kinds of mental work today in terms of my pace. I'm finding out the same thing is happening as did when I finally settled into running in the first place: My body's going to do what my body's going to do. Translation: My regular pace has picked up, and I need to get on board with that.

This isn't a bad thing at all. It's a comfortable pace, and I'm still very much enjoying every run. I don't end them exhausted or like I have nothing left to give the rest of the day. It is, indeed, my happy pace. So, instead of fighting it today, I focused on it to understand how it feels so I have a benchmark, and I worked to learn it so I could trust it.

I know that probably sounds super weird, but I am one who has always listened to how I feel more than anything else. No particular overall time goals and certainly no imposed minute-per-mile goals nor devices telling me where I'm at. While those work for manymanymany, it's not the route I took. In fact, had I done things that way, I am certain I would have quit because I would have been running against a clock instead of for myself.
That being said, by today's second mile, I realized my goal today was to let go and listen. And not step on the opossum I didn't see when I truck let me cross the street and I was running straight into the sun. And to not step on the dead mouse on the sidewalk that I really, really didn't see. And to pick up all of the pennies I found except for the one tarred into the street:
I HATE when this happens!
It was on my second long run after last year's GO! Half where I tanked out on pursuing the Half in May. Today's run: Total success. If nothing else, I'll be at least one long run ahead of last year. WaHoo!!

And, because of today, the Food Bank is 4 cents richer!
I could only pick up three, but I'm putting
another in the bank representing the other!
My end point today was about a half mile away from home, and check out who I saw coming my way as I was on my cool down walk?!
It's the one-man Diet Coke brigade on his way to fill 'em up!
It was pretty cool seeing him not just for the inherent reason of seeing him, but also because I could find out the time. While not stuck on time, I do need to periodically check in and see what my pace is doing so I know if I'm being consistent or if I've just gone through a fluke phase or what. Outcome: I was well under my time plan, so this faster pace seems here to stay. Good to know!

Here's one more thing that's beyond good. Check out this vision of beauty!
Yum. Shoes are working out well which
is fabulous since they look smashing with
my shoe laces!
Tomorrow is a Rest Day! And, you know that calls for a YAHOO!!! I'll check in then! In the meantime, enjoy every part of your weekend!

So thankful, and praying for Boston's healing.

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