Monday, July 9, 2012

Unexpected Payoff

And, today, we celebrate the finish!! Holy moly, my body is screaming for this break!! I was going along and hadn't even hit 3/4 of a mile when my muscles had no problem telling me that they were giving me this run, but that's it for a bit!

It was too hot to take Elly which added to my crabby running mood, and my disposition was most definitely not rewarded by the money gods as I found none. I'm not sure I would have seen it anyway given all of the sweat in my eyes. Fortunately, I did see all cars coming my way, I saw another, and might I add friendly, runner giving it his all, and I was so very happy to see the end of my route!

The funny thing is that for all of the dilly dallying I did to procrastinate getting out there in the first place, for the mental game I had to play to motivate myself and for the thick heat (which never makes anything fun much less running), I turned in a killer time compared to what I've been doing. Oh, and "killer time" means great for me/cool/cold weather time (when I am in my element). Basically, I fully expected to drag in and giggle when I glanced at the clock. Instead, I stood there for a moment trying to convince myself that I really did start the run when I remembered. No money on this run, but there ended up being a payoff.

Then, for as invested as I am about time (or, shall we say Pretty Uninvested), I decided looking at the clock for even one more second was a total waste of time when there was a cold water bottle waiting for consumption!

I also needed the just-ran-the-last-one-before-Rest-Week shot:
Whoopsie ... seems a whole lotta sweat
ran right into my eyes at the wrong time.
Let's try that again ...
Hooray for taking on the run!!...
... even though it made me feel like this!
And, there you go ... another stretch in the books!! That's something to celebrate! I'll start such a celebration with the Diet Coke that is coming my way and with a subsequent stretch of rest!! See you tomorrow from the resting post!!

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