Wednesday, July 4, 2012

It's Another Great Idea Morning!

Today we start with our brand of saluting America:
And, even though it's Elly, it's not a joke. You know how I feel about this country and the freedoms we enjoy!! We're mighty blessed, and for that, I am so grateful!!

Elly, on the other hand, questions her freedom. She spent the better part of the morning letting us know very clearly she intended to join us on our Nancy Has a Great Idea Again* morning. (* I decided it was an awesome idea for Aaron to join me this morning without giving him warning. This is getting fun!) Given it was 85 degrees when we started out, there was no way the pooch was coming with us! She settled for a consolation belly rub instead:
With water bottles in hand, we headed out. I filled our bottles half way with water, and the other half was filled with ice. While that was a huge plus by the end of the run because the water didn't get nasty-warm (which is different from regular warm), it froze my hand for the first half mile to the point I had to keep messing with it and not letting it sit on my hand in that effortless way to which I've grown accustomed! (I know ... boo hoo ...)

By the end of the first mile, though, the water bottle temp was good, and I stopped cranking about it. I wasn't out-loud cranky, though, because it took too much effort through the heat to talk. Even though it was a pretty quiet jaunt together, it was so much fun with my pal!

And, look! He added to the fun stash!
As did I!
We were on a bit of a time crunch this morning, so right after these pictures, we parted ways for Aaron to go home and shower while I finished up the miles. By myself, I turn up the volume but had to keep that in check given the heat. Like I said yesterday, the advice is to just cover the distance. A little more speed was fine, but I didn't want to hurt myself. I'm never in favor of that. I will say, though, that I was feeling quite fine at my slow-for-heat pace ... much better than at this same pace in the heat two years ago. I was thankful in that moment for how far I've come in that regard!

Very soon, I finished and utilized the water bottle for its second-best use:
Sploosh!! A big squeeze right in the ol' mug!
Ahhhhh ...
With that, it was on to enjoy the day! I also enjoy knowing I have three more running days before I take a break!!! YEAH!!
Yay! Just three more! I love you, running,
but I'd like to take a break from you for a
wee bit!
See you after tomorrow's countdown run!!

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