After a really great run and subsequent resistance training workouts yesterday, I do not hesitate to say that I thoroughly enjoyed some lounging in the pool yesterday afternoon! I did figure out a new, relatively restful exercise in the pool, though ... it's my answer to tricep dips! All you have to do is put your noodle behind you, and hold it with your hands facing forward. Then, instead of dipping your body down and pushing up (like you would if you were using a chair), hold your body still while you push the noodle down and let up. Clearly, there's not as much resistance going on as if you were out of water, but the burn still came when the double digits hit! PC#3 tried it with me and agreed about the burn factor! It was cool, though, because it's pretty easy and unobtrusive to do while talking. Excellent: Another way to sneak it in! And, for a beginner in the upper body workout world, this is a great addition to my start-up routine!
I like when good things are easy, and that's what last night's dinner was about, too! You might remember these:
Mmm ... mmm ... super good for you chicken quesadillas!!
You can check out the step-by-step here. |
I love having these, but they are tricky to flip on the pan because the stuff can slide around. And, sometimes, that's annoying because I'm just not in the mood to chase a rogue black olive or restuff cooked spinach that started spilling out. Last night, we had all of the ingredients to make them at one time (that doesn't tend to happen without intentional planning!), so I was determined to make them and not be annoyed doing so!
My solutions? First, I mashed up the avocado, added some garlic and lime juice and made a guacamole spread. Fabulous! Avocado is slippery which adds to the falling-all-over-the-place factor I'm trying to decrease, so bring on the spread! Second, I rolled up the stuffed tortilla before cooking and cooked it seam down first to seal it together. From there, each were turned and cooked on four sides. Nothing fell out, and it worked beautifully! Yeah!!! So simple! Take a look!
The perfect solution. Roll 'em up! So easy! |
Of course, a
Hungry Girl recipe margarita was the perfect beverage choice:
Come to mama ... |
And, I totally love using Greek yogurt instead of sour cream. Totally winning.
I'm so glad I finally listened after hearing this was the perfect
swap for so many years. It only took hearing it about 20 times
for it to sink in and convince me to give it a try! |
We were having a carpet picnic, and Elly decided she was joining us.
Nice try, Elly. Now, move. |
An easy dinner that didn't fall all over the place and tasted delicious was the perfect way to cap off the day! Try these quesadillas-turned-burritto!! They're so very yummy and crazy-good for you!!
Tomorrow's a run day!! See you then!
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