Saturday, June 2, 2012

Super-Sweet Saturday!

Happy Weekend!!! Mine started off just right with a super run!! I've had a lot of things come my way this week resulting in a lot on my mind, and, I have to tell you, it's during such a time that you just have to have that thing that allows you to chill and be one with yourself. (What's yours?! Find it and use it!!) That's way more philosophical than I probably meant, but I've totally found value in taking the time to regroup and center myself so I can take on whatever comes my way. And, given that I start every run with prayer, I have an optimal situation for me in putting the two together. This morning, it was just what I needed!!

And, what a gift that it was only 52 degrees and, basically, NO humidity when I headed out! I couldn't help but think back to last weekend when it was 25 degrees warmer and so thick with humidity!! Those poor Half Marathoners from last weekend had to be exploding with many "You've GOT to be kidding me" 's this morning! I know I was! The end of today's story is that last week's 5K felt like it went on forever vs. this morning's 6 miles that I could just crank out. If I never was before, I could not be more convinced at how different my performance and how I feel about it is depending on the weather conditions!! Remember that the next time you have to grunt through a hot one; I sure will!!

I chose this morning's route purposely to show you this:
So, we were driving along, and we saw this tree! I've never seen
one like it! Want to see it closer? Check it out ...
How crazy cool are those? And, on a tree!!
On this route, I also totally dig this little stretch:
The stretch literally lasts 6 trees long. But, I love it.
You'd think I was finally focused and observant upward where the regular people look. Ha! Not for long!
A mile back, I found a quarter! I didn't exactly find the framing
for the picture, but I did find a quarter! See it at the bottom?!
And, merely a quarter mile or so from the tree stretch, this very
shiny penny was just waiting for me! Woohoo!!
That's crossing over the $4 for the year mark, baby!

So, it was a great run for the books from distance to finds to weather, but I have to admit I was ready for some water at the end of my run. See?
So ... very ... parched ...
Here it looks like I had too many of my
favorite margaritas. But, that's just not
the case.
It's fun to be dramatic.

It's also fun to be with the Crewers when they cashed in on the free bagel they earned from their 26.2 Challenge! They earned it way back at their Mile 4, but we wanted to get them today!
Blueberry to the left; chocolate chip to the
right. One of the event sponsors is even our
very favorite bagel place!! We took 'em to
McDonald's to eat because that's where the
yummiest Diet Coke lives.
So, Saturday started off great all the way around. Oh, and I realized while out there that I'm actually getting a 3-day rest!! Sweet!! We made some plans on Monday that totally trump the run! And, you know, that happening a few times throughout the year is not only called "life," but it's called "awesome!" See you on tomorrow's Total Rest Day!!

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