Sunday, June 10, 2012

Sage Advice: Reapplied

I remember when I was much younger and talking with my dad about what it was like to work. I remember him telling me, "A lot of work can be really, really boring. So, find a way to make it fun to you, and you'll be a whole lot better off." It seems I figured out how to apply that direction to an activity many people find so very tedious! (not like I haven't been one of those "many people" myself!) Here's the latest tidbit that makes all of this extra fun for me ... if it's not already been obvious between penny finds and delivering cookies!

Most recently, I had my own fun bucking the black shirt theme and opting to sport as much lavendar as possible from nail polish to my hat:
A new lavendar hat and a row of porta potties ... just what a girl
needs on a very hot race day morning!
This hat was a great improvement over the one I grabbed last minute during a potentially drizzly St. Pat's run a couple of years ago. I did have the glittery cheek shamrock, though, so that should cancel out the boring black hat:
There's my running pal Woody! He had a hat, too, and very
fortunately, we coordinated because that is super important
to us!! (Um ... total lie ...)
So, in line with really important race day details and my perpetual quest to make this whole endeavor as fun as possible in all ways, there's already talk around here about the bling for October's Rock 'n' Roll Half Marathon! Of course, the purple shoe strings will be in place. Duh. And, why am I so confident the purple ones will be in place as opposed to my beloved lightening colored ones? Because PC#2 already found the perfect nail polish! Check it out:
Now that's awesome! I already can't wait to use it for the run!
I have a few training miles to log before then, though ...
Purple shoe strings, purple on my shoes and this nail polish? That's running style if I ever saw it! Well, at least it's very fun! Things like this have a lot to do with what makes running really fun for me!

Put a little twist into something that's otherwise potentially hum-drum in your world, and see how much more fun it is! Have fun with it, and make your own rules!

In the meantime, check out Elly's new fashion!
"Mommy, I'm ready to rock!"
That's it from Total Rest Day Central! I hope your day was chock full of the little things that make a big difference! See you after the morning run!

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