Tuesday, June 5, 2012

More Rights Than Wrongs

I have a high need to clarify a point I made yesterday. I most definitey meant when I said, "I want to be a life long runner. Everything I do needs to support that." But, that is not to imply that everything I do is perfectly designed to make sure I can keep on running. To imply that would also mean that my pants are on fire because I'm a big ol' liar!

No, not every, single move I make supports this effort. I go for long stretches eating the greatest fuel only to screw it up for a whole day. My attitude is not that of hating the endeavor anymore, but that doesn't mean I smile when I get up early to go. And, let's face it, sometimes I use that time out there by myself pondering, "Hmmm ... would it really hurt if I just stopped doing this ... forever?" Yup. Totally crosses my mind now and then.
I love you, excellent reads!
I also do a lot more reading than I used to in an effort to learn more about the whole picture of running. I've even come to really enjoy reading about it! Ah, but I still find myself skipping over articles here and there that could probably teach me a thing or two simply because I'm not so sure I want to mess with what's working -- even if, logically, I know it could be working better by my own standard.

But, that's where the baseline commitment comes in. I started with a basic goal: I want to run as my method of exercise. For life. I then dug through my brain to figure out why I chose running. (For me, it was because it was inexpensive and accessible pretty much anywhere, anytime, and I tagged on making this a challenge because I never, ever thought I would be a runner of any kind.) Finally, I put incremental steps in place to make it happen -- little goals to move me forward and support the ultimate goal.

Even today, I tie every step I take back to that baseline commitment and see if it's supportive of or detrimental to my goal. I don't always make the right choice, but the commitment requires accountability to myself which, I have found, results in more right choices than wrong ones. It's been a slow process, but I'm a huge fan of slow-and-steady winning the race, so it's okay.

As I sit, I am not excited about getting up early to run tomorrow after this mini break. It's not like the break has been restful, so the idea of sleeping in is really alluring!! But, the only way to maintain what I've gained and improve upon that is to just get up and go!

So, today's excellent choice is this ...
I totally love these oodles of noodles way more than the edible
kind! Once upon a time, I loved 'em both!
... and, tomorrow, the first choice I'll make for the day is to get out there and go. And, afterward, I will celebrate! See you after.

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