Thursday, June 7, 2012

Staying In Motion

It's almost Friday!! WA-HOO!!! I don't know about you, but I could totally use a Friday about now!! You know what I could have done without, though? That bonus Rest Day I had on Monday. Don't get me wrong, the reasons for skipping the run that day were not only necessary but also totally worth it, and I would make the same decision again. I just have to say that the difference in today's run and yesterday's was GINORMOUS. (Someone recently used that on their garage sale sign. I saw it while running, and it made me laugh. Now, the word is stuck in my head. At least it's a good word.)

ANYWAY, the problem yesterday -- aside from Elly's overactive sniffer -- is directly attributed to that singular, extra day of "rest" because my muscles were crazy tight. Every step I took felt like a huge effort, and that does not make the run enjoyable.

You know, just when you want to believe that the more rest you have the more rejuvenated you'll feel, it turns out you're probably wrong. It's that whole inertia thing, and, yesterday, my body was indeed resisting its not-been-running state whereas today, given I ran yesterday, the muscles were ready to roll. Ah, yes, the body in motion does tend to stay in motion.

(By the way, I totally enjoyed that extra day. Yesterday's aches were a small price to pay. Just being real.)

I also enjoyed this little nugget from the "Run Pretty Far" Facebook page:
So pretty!! But, that was yesterday ... back to today ...

Before even heading out this morning, I looked out my window and saw a woman and her dog running. The woman was cruising along (read: going quite fast) and her dog just bounded with her. It made me laugh ... not at them, but at the stark contrast I pictured in my own head of Elly and I about to head out. I wasn't even awake enough to consider cruising along! And, Elly, well, that girl doesn't tend to bound after much unless it's to find us and show off a new bandana I just put on her (totally serious).

No, instead, my Elly and I have a nice, solid, gets-us-there pace, and, along the way, we see lots of fun things! Check out today's neato-mosquito site:
Full of my favorite color of purple. It's like
it was planted just for me!
I saw this next one yesterday, but given we'd started-stopped so many times in the beginning of the run, I couldn't bring myself to pause for a picture. Today, things had been motoring along great, so a picture stop was in order:
Yes, it felt good to get back out there today, that's for sure! And, I was so happy my running companion was, shall we say, more cooperative today!
"Aw, shucks, mommy, anything for you!"
Tomorrow's just a resistance training day! That'll be a great way to keep things warmed up for the weekend long run. In the meantime, since we were on the topic of bounding dogs, check out the daily calendar page PC#2 just shared with me. I love when the calendar matches a theme in the day! Enjoy, and I'll see you tomorrow!

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