Saturday, June 30, 2012

The New Plan For the Day

It's been a really long, rough week around here, so I had mixed emotions about prying myself out of bed this morning to run. But, my commitment to it and to me didn't leave me with an option to not do it. So, I had to come up with a way to supplement the long-standing plan. You know me; it's just as much about what I make of the experience as it is about the running itself.

Enter: The Late-Night Plan!

You might remember last Saturday when I woke up and had a fabulous idea to take Aaron with me on my run! Yay! That was excellent. But, because I scaled back my intended miles for the trade of us going together, I also pummeled us both with pool exercises that afternoon. I knew I couldn't pull that off a second Saturday (I have to wait 'til he forgets that day ... I think I can try it again next summer ...), so I revised and proposed. It went like this:

Me: Soooo ... how 'bout you join me tomorrow morning? Let'saddonemoremile, you set the pace and that's it. (I added that last sentence really fast before he could answer the "join me" question and the first part super fast so he might not catch it.)
Aaron: No being mean to me in the pool later?
Me: Promise.
Aaron: Just one more mile?
Me: Swear.
Aaron: *pause*pause*pause* Okay. I'll do it.

And, so the plan was set! This morning, we were off:
I convinced Aaron that taking a water bottle
for each of us was a great idea ... an even
better idea was putting ice in both of them!
Then Aaron started in on talking about how
these water bottles are "made for right-handed
people." Um ... 'scuse me? I had no idea what
he was talking about. He told me it "felt weird
in his left hand." I asked him to show me how
he was holding it, and this is what he showed
me. Note the thumb which is not at all how to
hold that bottle. In fact, wrapping your hand
around the bottle totally defeats its purpose.
I showed him proper form. I love that
water bottle and will not have it disparaged!
Actually, I just wanted him to have it (a) to
have a more pleasurable outing, and (b) so
I wouldn't feel all bad having water and he
didn't, so he needed his own because the
likelihood of my wanting to share mine
along route was pretty low.
Elly was so very hopeful ...
... but, she knew "before" pics with no
leash on were a really, really bad sign
for her participation. See you soon,
sweet puppy!
And, we're off!
Before leaving, I proposed two different routes to Aaron. He
chose one he'd not before done. I was very pleased with his choice
because it held the most penny promise. See?! Early pay off!!
Along the entire route, there were three more of those babies!!
Half way through, I took us straight to some
shade for a water break. There was a time I
never would have stopped for a minute. I think
you know by now those days are looooong
gone ... and that right-handed-water-bottle water
was simply fabulous!
Also fabulous? Sprinklers in reach!! Yeah!!
Okay, so we were just about to wrap up our outing when Aaron pointed out the street where he found a bunch of BB's yesterday when he and Elly were walking. Of course, I just had to investigate as it's almost impossible to pick up all free-range BB's in a single visit. Aaron needed to head home, but I ran the street he and Elly checked out yesterday. As well, I rounded the corner to run a cul-de-sac that seems to always have money in it (why do I not have it on my normal route?!) and ran another section to add distance to my run. The result:
That's right ... big bank in the court!! That's a quarter!!
It was a great run with great scores!
A super-sweet stash to be sure. Do you know what was not
super-sweet? ME ... every time I reached for a BB, I was clearly
reminded that I needed a shower!

And, one more little nugget of fun? Check it out:
The pink ones glow in the dark!!! Bonus bounty!!!!
That was SUCH a great way to start my day ... EXACTLY what I needed. THANK YOU, Aaron for joining me on this adventure! Here's to tomorrow's Total Rest Day! See you then!

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