Thursday, January 7, 2016

To-Do's Are Getting To-Done!

It's been another uber-productive day around here, but I'm ready to get out and run tomorrow!! I plan to run if even it's raining (unless it's pouring, then, all bets are off). I'd say 'new year, new me' to that one, but I started to get the hang of why running in the rain doesn't entirely suck last year. So, let's hear it for that sentiment's staying power!

On my to-do list included making this:
Yes. I put 'making chocolate' on my
to-do list. It seemed reasonable.
It's a Trim Healthy Mama recipe for chocolate -- coconut oil, cocoa powder and sweetener. Freeze 'til set. 'Tis THE BOMB. Clearly I like it as I dove into it immediately upon it setting. Yup, that's where that missing corner went.
I was too busy to get the mail, though. So, when Pit Crew #2 brought it in, I was just dazzled to see this:
Compliments of the Danbury Mint. Just ogle it for a minute, won't you? It's breathtaking. The ad says so. (And, by 'breathtaking,' I mean 'barfy.')
I was busy in the for-real kind of way all day long. Daphne was not:
So, by the end of the day tomorrow, I should be in normal, functioning shape! I might even map out my upcoming 10K plans because I already have a medal on the way to my mailbox! Yup; that was on the to-do, too!

I'll be checking in after the morning run ...!

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