Tuesday, January 19, 2016

It Finally Happened

Today’s Numbers: Nancy's Total Movement Mileage: 38.3 (running: 37.6; walking: .7; biking: 0) Elly's miles: 18.9  Money Found For Food Bank: $19.65
How is it that I've already found almost $20 for the Food Bank?!?! Well ... it's from finding such things as this ...
Seriously. HOW does that happen? And, WHERE is my
hand lotion?!
... as well as this!
The dollar was kind of funny because it was at a point in the run where I had a choice to turn right or to go straight. Lately, I've been turning right, but I felt the pull to go straight today. And, twenty or so feet later, there this was. Booyah.

Also of note today is that it finally happened. The story: There I was cruising through my money pit of a parking lot (the very lot I have to avoid when training so I don't take a walk break there) when I hear, "Ma'am? Ma'am?" It took two 'ma'ams' for me to respond because the first one could have been to anyone, don'tcha know. I looked over to this very young (20s), very sincere young lady who kindly asked, "Are you looking for change? Is that what you're needing?" while she was starting to reach into her purse.

(This is where all of my thoughts happened in a split second but will take a minute to read.) Recently, I said to Aaron that I wondered what people thought (if they ever thought anything) when they see me check out these meters. He said, "They know exactly what you're doing." I followed my thought with saying, "Yeah, but I wonder what they think the story is. Like, am I so cheap that I scour the ground for money? Or, is it that I'm that frugal and clever? Or, is it that they think I'm in need?" The last one is what made Aaron respond, "Um, I think the Nike pullover gives away that you're not in need." I wanted to counter that with, "What if I'm wanting to buy a new Nike pullover, though, and I don't have the money on hand?" but thought better of it because I knew he'd laugh at me. Anyway, more than once over the years, as one who people watches and thinks about others' potential stories, I've wondered what people think about my money collection.)

Well, here we were. I didn't know her assumptions, but I greatly appreciated the guts to ask. For real, she was so kind. After she asked, I giggled a bit when I said, "No, no, no ... Thank you. I am actually looking for change, but I donate what I find to the Food Bank." It took her a second to let that sink in before she was all, "Ohhhhh ... well, okay then!" and carried on with her day thinking whatever it is she thought about it -- anything from, "Well, how cool is that?" to "That lady is full of it." Regardless, right now my finds will get the Bank almost 300 meals, so I really don't care what anyone thinks!

That was one piece of my run. The other was the weather which I found outstanding! It was 20 degrees with little wind, and -- bonus -- it was snowing for the first mile!! Ahhh ...
And, the run, beginning to end, was bangin'. Not once was I tired or out of breath or dragging or otherwise shoddy. It felt great. If this is the worst of what's to come between now and my Half, I'm in for a good ride!

Okay, so it's snowing as we speak. And, it supposed to continue. I'm not necessarily seeing a run on my morning agenda, but I'm not counting it out until I have to! I'll check in with the turnout!! Stay warm, and enjoy the beauty of wherever you are!

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