Monday, January 4, 2016

Better Than Running On Ice

Today’s Numbers: Nancy's Total Movement Mileage: 4.9 (running: 4.2; walking: .7; biking: 0) Elly's miles: .7  Money Found For Food Bank: $14.48
Remember my friend who reported her first two runs of the New Year kind of sucked because her stomach was recovering from her NYE appetizer dinner and, perhaps, a Christmas cookie or two? I'm happy to report she has recovered which was just in time for my first run of the year to be mighty terrible compliments of our Mexican dinner last night. It wasn't really the Mexican situation that was a problem; it was the ground turkey. There are very few times I can eat anything containing ground turkey for dinner and not have it negatively affect me on a run in the morning. I knew better but did it anyway. I take it as my reminder to stop testing the situation; it's been proven.

My stomach finally felt normal by the time we hit our third mile (which makes for a super-fun first two ...), but, then, there were my legs. They felt like they were made of lead which had nothing to do with the ground turkey situation. That had more to do with having three days off and completely throwing my morning schedule out of whack. We were out there running this morning earlier than I've been up for three days, so what's a body to do. At least we weren't on ice, so the only real hindrance of this run was me and not the elements.

We made it, though ...
Pit Crew #2 had fewer (and, by that, I mean NO) complaints about her run. I still complained about mine. Just keeping it real.

I'm still pondering my mileage goal for the year, but I need some time to get my running legs back under me! To that end, I'll be checking in tomorrow after the morning run!

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