Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Stopping Is For Suckers

Today’s Numbers: Nancy's Total Movement Mileage: 24.1 (running: 23.4; walking: .7; biking: 0) Elly's miles: 9.3  Money Found For Food Bank: $16.54
I braved the Facebook feed this morning (no bad news: hooray!) as well as the elements. This morning was a super-crisp 23 degrees with a feels-like-5 wind chill. That's not horrible running weather for me, but it does leave me with little to no control over my runny nose.

I suspect we are all now thankful I forgot to put the memory card in the camera. That's actually too bad, though, because I saw three blue jays toward the end of my outing. I was taught (long, long ago and have since dismissed it) to not like blue jays because they can be destructive or they're mean or something. I really don't know and don't care; they're beautiful. Picture them in your mind's eye against the white snow in a tree. It was worth stopping in the cold to look at for a minute. But, for only a minute because the stop made the blood flow slow and I got all sweaty and started to get really, really, really cold! I'm not sure I've ever run to the end of this route as fast as I did today ...

I got home to see watch another kind of battle stage itself. This one:
It's a daily standoff. It's ridiculous.

Tomorrow's plan is to rest and, perhaps, let it warm up a smidge?! Whether it does or not, it's a day for a break! Frankly, knowing that helped me get out and get the run done today, so don't underestimate the power of small reward!! Take care where you are, and I'll be checking in!

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