Friday, January 15, 2016

Mix It Up

Today’s Numbers: Nancy's Total Movement Mileage: 31.7 (running: 31; walking: .7; biking: 0) Elly's miles: 16.9  Money Found For Food Bank: $17.49
The temp was the same this morning as it was yesterday -- only difference being that that was the high for today! That translated into Elly and I beating the colder front blowing in. And, when you're starting out in the upper 30s, it's not bad to beat the temperature drop!

We went for a cool 3, no pun intended, as we got a later start, and I had many things to accomplish today. I took a different route from yesterday and was quickly reminded of that whole thing about mixing it all up to 'confuse' your muscles. It's very true that running the same route day after day instills muscle memory -- seems weird to think I can get used to a hill, but it's very true. Anyway, this morning's mix up was great for both of us but made it all the better that I took it down to three.

I know Elly appreciated it:
"I'd be upset about that slow and steady
hill at the beginning, mommy, but it made
me feel like a boss. *slurrrrp!!!* "
Elly's sentiment is true as well; I no sooner think, "Why the hell did I run this way this morning?" before I'm all, "I rule entirely making up that hill." Booyah. I've been toying with different strategies for my running; not doing the exact same route back to back might be exactly what I'm looking for ... Whatever I choose can't be so drastic or otherwise unfamiliar that I don't stick with it. I might just give this a try. I'll update at the end of the month to report if I did or did not let this one settle in!
I haven't quite decided how the morning is going to go. I got my four runs in for this week, but the morning (and, frankly, all day) temperatures for both Sunday and Monday are awful. Like, wind chill below zero Monday; yeah, that morning is already ruled out! Anyway, I'll either throw in a run in the morning, or I'll be taking a 3-day break! I'll check in tomorrow with what the morning brings! Have a great start to your weekend!!

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