Wednesday, February 25, 2015

I Guess That Conference Wasn't a Total Waste Of Time ...

Today’s Numbers: Nancy's Total Movement Mileage: 186.8 (running: 93.6; walking: 9.4; biking: 83.8) Money Found For Food Bank: $24.39

2,015 in 2015 Change Hounds progress: Nancy: 186.8 Aaron: 159.15 (b: 134.15; w: 16)  Elly: 29.3 Total: 375.25

In my very first professional job, I attended an afternoon conference with a guy talking to us about the importance of planning our days the day before they happen. I remember him going on and on about filling his calendar for the next day with what needed to be done, and the message I received was that was the only way to get ahead and to get to the top.

He was in a suit and tie and super boring even though I know he thought he was dynamic. And, I was irritated because I had so much work to do back on my desk and had no idea why I was sitting there listening to him. I didn't like corporate America because I didn't fit into it. I had things to do. And, I was a good planner complete with to-do lists made most every morning.

Fortunately for myself, I am one who is always always always listening no matter what my face or body language suggests. It's a skill I developed when I realized my go-to emotion is to cry under pressure giving me the inaccurate appearance of shutting down. Anyway, as much as I truly hated that conference-seminar-seeming waste of my time but we were all required to go, I never forgot the speaker saying we should plan the day before ...

That was 25 years ago, and I still cringe a little bit even today when I find myself jotting down notes to plan my next day's activities. It's a practice that has, among other things, kept this running gig alive and well for a number of years now. Damn that boring speaker guy; I gotta give him some credit ...

So, as planned yesterday, she says with a bit of indignancy, I went out this morning on my run-2, walk-1, run-1 route to cover my scheduled 2-miler. It was all of 16 degrees and felt like a heat wave compared to what we've been having! It was only a bit less treacherous today in terms of ice, though, as the day's melting is, of course, refreezing and making for some awesome landmines to avoid!
How cool is that slab of ice?!
The snow is making the perfect hiding spot for money, though. And, that was my real goal today if I'm being honest. That and covering more than two miles. Check and Check! Anyway, the snow makes for good hiding, but it's also a great deterrent for people to even bother attempting to pick it up. I mean really ...
Okay, this was in one of those mounds of snow that was high
enough I barely had to bend forward to retrieve it ...
There are plowed mounds of snow that are going to take a long time to melt. I suspect I'll be making some awesome discoveries for a while if I target the right places!

The targets are off the table for the upcoming long run, though. I anticipate a bit of difficulty figuring out how to route it, but I have a couple of days to figure that out. Before that, two days of Rest are scheduled to calm the muscles down before shaking them all up! I'll be checking in ... stay warm and toasty in the meantime ...

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