Friday, February 6, 2015

Coasting On Friday

Today’s Numbers: Nancy's Total Movement Mileage: 110.7 (running: 66.8; walking: 5.1; biking: 38.8) Money Found For Food Bank: $18.53

2,015 in 2015 Change Hounds progress: Nancy: 110.7  Aaron: 97.6 (b: 84.3; w: 13.3)  Elly: 17.5 Total: 225.8

Yeeeeeeehawwwww, it's FRIDAY!!! And, yes, I just said an extended Yee Haw!! You should have heard me as a 5-year-old with an accent saying such things. We lived in Tennessee then, and my accent was CUTE.

Anyway, I hope your Friday has been fantastic! Mine starts with a little house keeping from yesterday in that I have to report the phone call I was waiting for after hours ended up coming in at 8:40 p.m.!! Now, that's service!

Oh, and extending my gripe from yesterday, I just have this to say: Brian Williams. Stop talking. You're making it worse.

And, just when you thought I was through with yesterday's news, I just have to say that if I am to believe any of the mostly b.s. reports about slow jogging vs. fast runners and how the slow peeps will live longer, then, based on this morning's run, I'm going to live !! My pace was actually very strategic with a longer run tomorrow and having a solid week behind me. Today was due for a little slow in the go. And, to ensure that happened, you know who I brought ...
Runs with Elly are slowed by such things as stopping to sniff
cheese. Can I just tell you that piece of cheese has been there
at least since Monday, and it has since been frozen and
covered in a little snow? Eww, eww, eww.
She's been totally fine since last week's spill off of the deck step. She tears up and down the carpeted stairs in the house like a boss, so I knew she'd be good for three miles today! She was a little diva-esque in her avoidance of some snow here and there, but, otherwise, she was great!

We mixed up my normal direction this morning which also often confused me about which way I was supposed to turn and when. Funny what a little 180 in the routine will do to a girl! Doing so, though, also allowed me to see this ...
... which I've never, ever noticed! Elly stopped to take a peek, too, but she didn't get a lot out of the scenery ...
... because she decided to be scared of the traffic that was an easy 10 feet away! I took an extra look for her before motoring on.

This route is not one that tends to produce a lot of coins, but I did get lucky at one point!
There was a penny hidden under the snow, too. Indeed, I know
this to be true.
I will never, ever, ever, ever, ever understand dropping money and leaving it. Never. But, the Food Bank appreciates it, so may it continue to rain cash!

I guess tomorrow is the official start to training for April's Half! This week could have been considered as such, but, nahhhhh. I'm both excited and anxious to get going again, anxious because, no matter how many times I do it, the beginning of training makes me think, "I'm really going to run 10 miles in a few weeks? For real ?!" Um, yes. For real!

I will have to leave this one behind on those long runs:
Oh, speaking of upcoming Half opportunities, registration finally opened for the Go Girl series in May. For the past two years, they've offered awesome early bird registration. Apparently, they didn't want to do the same this year. I mean, they do have one, but it's twice as much as their special last year. I'm right on the fence about doing it or not in part because I want to make my part of the Summer family running bonanza a Half distance, but I don't know that I want to go back-to-back-to-back.

At the same time, I'm considering doing the Go Girl one so I have a set of four wine glasses ...
... because, right now, I have three.

Yes, it's true. That is exactly today's reason I'm pondering To Do or Not To Do on this one. I have a month to decide before losing the cheapest entry fee. I'll keep you posted.

In the meantime, it's time to gear up for the weekend!! I hope you can coast into it with happiness and ease, and I'll check in after the morning run!

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