Saturday, February 7, 2015

Donut Run

Today’s Numbers: Nancy's Total Movement Mileage: 115.9 (running: 72; walking: 5.8; biking: 38.8) Money Found For Food Bank: $18.97

2,015 in 2015 Change Hounds progress: Nancy: 115.9  Aaron: 97.6 (b: 84.3; w: 14)  Elly: 18.2 Total: 233.1

The writing was on the wall for Elly early this morning:
But, instead of taking that girl on this morning's run, I took my fave of the human variety!! Pit Crew #2!! Yay!! She even went to bed a little early to make sure she'd be ready to get up and go this morning. She didn't really want to do either (go to bed nor get up), but she did. She's way more mature than I was at that age. And motivated. Just sayin'.

I don't think I actually said the words out loud to her, but I was determined to pace us well from the get-go so we didn't end up tanking after the first mile. She's good at taking my lead, so I probably just did it knowing she'd work with me. I mean, I felt all kinds of studly after blowing through our first mile last week, but I not only do I know better than to do so, I also know how terrible it feels trying to keep up with yourself after screwing things up at the start.

So, I kept our pace back from what the warmer morning inspired, and it paid off in spades. There's a good-sized hill that hits us immediately at the start of Mile 2, and we've walked part of it for the last couple of weeks. Those days need to be behind us (well, me), so, in mid-stride, I told PC#2 we'd run it unless she had a problem.

If I correctly detected her tone in her response -- and, I'm quite certain I did --, I think she had a desire problem with running up the whole thing, but, physically, she was more than up to it. To know her is to not be surprised with her ability; that doesn't mean I don't have to remind myself to not be amazed at what she can do because I don't think I could have at her age. She sucks is totally awesome!

We stopped for a few seconds here and there because there were, ultimately, 44 cents-worth of coins to pick up, I had a rock in my shoe and I wanted a pic of these crabapples ...
I used to collect the crabapples from the tree next to our driveway when I was in elementary school. My recollection of putting them in my flowered bike basket resulted in a resounding, "Awwww!" from PC#2. Indeed, her mom was a cute kid! (Was there much better than having a basket on your bike for natural collectables to be strewn under and around your stuffed animals?!?!)

We were just almost 4 miles into the run when PC#2 was certain she smelled donuts. From where, I have no idea, but she was convinced she smelled them. And, then, she started talking about them. For the next half mile, she went on and on about donuts. It is here I must note that, by and large, I can't stand donuts. They're a little too sweet, they don't sit well in my stomach, and I have a childhood story association that, if you heard, you'd totally get my aversion especially to the glazed variety. I get that most everyone seems to love a good, warm glazed donut. You can always have mine.

There is an exception to this donut rule for me. It's a specific one from Dunkin' Donuts. The kids had never had Dunkin' Donuts, so we got a variety when we were at MO' Cowbell in October:
Guess my fave ...
Of course, the sprinkled one is pretty, and I was stoked when one of the kids picked the pumpkin because I love when they'll still do such a thing. Fancy pants PC#2 got that swirly French number next to the sprinkles. Aaron's the fan of the coconut job on the right, and I've never understood donuts that look like a bruise in the top right. For me? You cannot beat the Dunkin' Donuts cream-filled delight. Oh, 'scuse me, it's actually called Kreme Filled. It's soooo delish. I raved about how good they are so much that at least two others picked it out, too. As I recall, PC#3 picked out two. I cut mine into pieces so I could eat them throughout the day. And, when others' were gone, I did not share. (I'd also picked the cake donut in the upper left corner because I tend to like the occasional dense cake kind of donut, but it totally pales in comparison. This one I did share.)

So, in her donut commentary, PC#2, of course, brought up Dunkin' Donuts, and I confessed I actually crave that Kreme bad boy. It was a super-pleasant moment I was having until she started talking about how much she loves Krispy Kreme. You know. The chain that's famous for it's very warm, fresh glazed donuts. She so much as brought it up, and I was all, "Um, yuck. Stop talking." My aversion is not a secret in our family, so my response was no surprise. However, she was so far in her world of donut lovin' that she didn't even hear me and specifically mentioned how much she loves their glazed donut. Yummy sound effects and all.

And, that's when I about lost it. Had I yet eaten breakfast, there would have been a problem on the sidewalk. Seriously: Stomach. Turned. Over.

This made PC#2 apologize. I mean, giggle. I mean giggle while apologizing. I got it; it was funny. But, I really do hate them that much. Not just Krispy Kreme. All of them. From anywhere. It's not personal.

This discussion would have worked better for me had it begun just a few steps later because, as I could have predicted, almost as soon as we hit the 4 1/2 mile mark, there were fewer and fewer words coming from PC#2. That's how it tends to work in a training schedule that builds -- everything you've already done works like normal, and everything shifts just a little bit harder when adding that extra, new mileage for the week. We both did great, it was just a little quieter!

We wrapped up 5.2 miles in just under the pace I would have expected. That was great news because it told me we were doing it right even when it, honestly, felt a little slow. I'll take that kind of happy surprise any day!
When did she get that much taller than I?!
I'll also take the Rest Day scheduled for tomorrow! It's scheduled perfectly as it's a busy day today! Enjoy your Saturday, and I'll be checking in!

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