Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Googly Eyes Are Cool

Today’s Numbers: Nancy's Total Movement Mileage: 107.7 (running: 63.8; walking: 5.1; biking: 38.8) Money Found For Food Bank: $18.40

2,015 in 2015 Change Hounds progress: Nancy: 107.7  Aaron: 97.6 (b: 84.3; w: 13.3)  Elly: 14.5 Total: 219.8

We were promised a chilly morning today with temperatures falling throughout the afternoon. We got exactly what was promised, and I admit to being thankful my run took place during the warmest part of the day!
Snow was also in the forecast for the afternoon, but there was such little activity out and about when I was out there that you'd think a blizzard was called for, and everyone was hunkered down inside. I really don't know where everyone was, but it was rather peaceful.

I took advantage of the little-to-no foot traffic when I came to my favorite spot for hunting treasure. I decided with fewer people to freak out around me that I'd take the time today to move some leaves around meters and see what I came up with. It totally paid off, too!
Do you see what I see? Yeah, I saw a lot of this ... to the tune
of at least 60 cents hiding under leaves today. They can run,
but they can't hide forever.
Apparently, I was being watched! By the way, didn't you LOVE
using these on art projects? I was always stoked when the art
teacher pulled out the stash of googly eyes!!
THAT was a great day!
Next week puts a pretty serious halt to jacking around in the middle of this run to look for money. I figure I'll put the real running effort into the scheduled runs, then I'll use a day for a good walk and cash pursuit. I can't just let it sit out there after all!!
And, even though there were hardly any people out, I was verbally accosted by a flock of birds when I passed this:
There were about 10 roly-poly robins hanging out under this bush, and they were none too happy I was near. One of them even hopped toward me yammering up a storm, but it fled when it saw I wasn't turning the other direction. Like I was supposed to be scared? Puh-leez, angry bird.

The birds were a good distraction from the fact that I was running head first into the wind for my last 2 miles. While the temperature had yet to drop, the wind sure made it feel like it had!! My face no-likey ... It kept me going before the actual air temp dipped any lower, though! You'll note there were no temperature considerations when on the aforementioned money hunt. Some things trump the cold.

I made it, though, with a big, huge stash of coins!
$2.05 today. That alone is 30 meals for the Food Bank. BAM.
I realized when I was counting the bounty I'd actually found a battery in there, too. Batteries don't spend the same as what-I-thought-to-be-a nickel, so that got trashed. I kept the eyeball, though.

I'm keeping my eye on the week, too, and being strategic by not running on a super-busy tomorrow and scheduling a light one for Friday before Saturday's five-miler with Pit Crew #2! Do what you need to do to make it the best end of the week possible, and I'll check in on tomorrow's break from running!

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