Friday, September 19, 2014

Today, Twelve Hurt

Today’s Numbers: Nancy's Days Run: 150 Nancy's 2014 Mileage: 731.5 Elly's 2014 Mileage: 319.6 Money Found For Food Bank: $47.43

I need to make a deal with my legs. It needs to go like this: I don't use bad words at you, you don't use bad words at me.  I think that's reasonable. Right now, they're having none of it, though, because their potty mouths are a'movin'!! I guess I shouldn't complain, though, because they moved for me for all of this morning's 12 miles, so, I should probably just be thankful!

I was thankful to see this right out of the gate:
That was way better than the site I left at home from the disappointed-to-not-be-joining-me hound. She couldn't even look at me.
"The writing was on the wall when you said, 'Sorry, Elly.'
What was the point of looking up?! *sigh* "
I was also glad to see this before, well, before not seeing this ...
That's the fourth banana peel in four runs on four different routes, by the way. What is up with that?!

Oh, and seeing this is just a tear-jerker in my world:
There was more than one penny that got the tar treatment ...
I pictured myself being in charge of the tar-squirting machine and having to stop and get down multiple times during my resurfacing duties to pick up money. I'm sure I'd have more than one of these conversations: "Um, Nancy, why does it take you hours to resurface a space that takes others significantly less time?" "Um, because I am fiscally responsible, just sayin'." "Um, you're also fired ..."

I mentioned yesterday that the 12-miler is a hard one for me, and today was no exception. It's a challenge enough all by itself, but when you add a labor-intensive day yesterday on top of what can only be considered a truly, pitiful warm up, I don't do myself any favors! But, I did get it finished!
And, look how beautifully blue the sky
was at that point!! That was sweet!
When I stopped, I was reasonably certain I could draw with precision how my skeleton all fits together because I could feel a number of places where joints exist that I don't normally think about. Ohhhh, but they were letting me know they were there! They've since calmed down. It's only the legs carrying on with their whining!

And, tomorrow? Can I hear a hell, yeah for Rest Day?! I'm pretty jazzed about it. I think I actually earned this one!! I'll check in tomorrow ... enjoy your launch into the WEEKEND!!!

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