Friday, September 5, 2014

I See How It Is

Today’s Numbers: Nancy's Days Run: 142 Nancy's 2014 Mileage: 684.9 Elly's 2014 Mileage: 302.8 Money Found For Food Bank: $45.41

I stepped outside this morning to be greeting with a hug of humidity that just wrapped itself around me a way that said it was just waiting for me. I could only think, "Oh, okay, so that's how this is going to go," and, I started to run. I fully embraced that kinda wet, feeling grody feeling within my first few steps because that was the stage set for the next 10 miles, and it wasn't going anywhere!

Not fighting the feeling was a good thing, and I enjoyed this run from the get go. To be honest, I've been waiting for it to be finished for the better part of the week because it was the last big to-do before the weekend after a week of big to-do's. Sometimes, looking forward to the long-run finish backfires and makes the run feel like more work than pleasure. Today, I got lucky.

Until I fell down.
Mile 8 said, "Eat my dust." Um, okay ...
I don't really even know what happened. I was going along just fine when, before I knew it, both of my knees hit the ground. By some miracle, it didn't really hurt. It didn't tickle, but it wasn't that bad. As I got myself up, I said out loud (and rather matter-of-fact), "Runner down," like, "So, this is what we're doing now ..." And, then I kept going.

Hey, remember when you were a kid and you fell off of your bike or off of a skateboard, and you totally skinned your knees but you kept playing anyway? And, then the wind hit your open wounds and you were all, "Okay, that's what stings!" I'm just sayin'.

About a half mile up the road, my fortune changed as I approached a pay phone. I thought about checking it for money and decided I just had to even though I was also mentally making fun of myself for it. Like anyone uses a pay phone anymore.

The two nickels on this pile of today's treasure say otherwise:
My favorite part of today's run is that it turned out way better than I expected, and I'm talking about the factors I can actually control (namely: my brain/attitude). Like I said, there was a part of me so anxious to get this one behind me that I was concerned I'd just make it unnecessarily hard on myself. Evidently, I started my brain off on the right track! And ... that's more than half the battle!!

There's a short run on the weekend schedule, and I keep debating which day to do it! So, we'll see what tomorrow brings, but not before enjoying the rest of Friday!! Stay upright out there, and I'll check in tomorrow!

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