Thursday, June 26, 2014

The Whole Picture

I was able to zip through my recording of the USA vs. Germany World Cup game today, and I was really struck by the positivity of the commentators with regard to the US team. I honestly have no idea who they even are, but it was refreshing to listen to one of them talk about how it's time for him to eat crow over his original predictions as to how the US was going to perform. Most don't tend to admit they were wrong in the first place, so kudos to whomever you are.

And, even though the US lost to Germany, we still get to advance based on the whole of the picture. And, it's the whole that tends to be my main focus of my life as I work and maneuver the pieces that comprise it. You've heard me say when runs have sucked or were hard or hurt or that I just didn't want to do it that day. But, the efforts of those runs are just as useful as those days when I'm cruising along. They all add up when it comes to reaching a goal, whatever that goal is.

Much like when the same aforementioned commentator said, "The key to their success was getting 23 guys together in a locker room believing they could win no matter what anyone else thought," every day, I decide I can reach whatever goal I've set. The first step is always that intentional decision.

Like Dr. Phil says, "Life is not a success-only journey." Not for Team USA, not for you, not for me. But, we get to keep moving forward.

My darkest personal days throughout my life have always had one theme: When I decide there's something I cannot do whether I really know my limits or not. In other words, the darkest days are when I, on some level, give up. The key to my running success (success as I've defined it) is mostly attributed to the fact that I go into a situation assuming I can achieve even if I don't necessarily yet know how. But, it's that faith and confidence that keeps my dreams from getting squished. Or, in more literal terms, keeps me  from getting squished ...
I have this under control believe it or not.
Oh, and this is not the time to doubt myself.
Last night, I thought it would be a fun idea to see if I could 'airplane' Aaron. I assumed I could, and I totally did. 'Leg pressed him, in fact. I rule.

This was another challenge entirely ...
... because Pit Crew #2 is rather ticklish!

Keep your focus on the big picture, and don't let a minor setback define it or you! And, with that, I'll see you after the morning run!

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