Thursday, June 19, 2014

Life Lessons

Today’s Numbers: Nancy's Days Run: 95 Nancy's 2014 Mileage: 448.3 Elly's 2014 Mileage: 214.9 Money Found For Food Bank: $33.43

How cool is it that I can totally make Elly's morning simply by taking her leash off its hanger?! Well, that sweet sound was music to her ears today after I checked the weather -- 72 degrees and a wee bit humid, but there was just enough of an overcast to shield us from the direct hit of the sun. We girls were going running!
Running ... interval training thanks to Elly's adventurous spirit ... tuh-may-toe ... toe-mah-toe ... Her personal adventures paid off for me in a bit of sight seeing, but I finally gave in two-thirds up a hill because I was tired of running intervals up hill. Here's what her stops afforded, though!
Not only is the flower cool, but, look close
because I got a bee in there, too!
Purple punk hair.
No, it's not upside down. It's my view of checking my feet for
ticks because I went a bit into the grass to take that last pic,
and I'm not Frontlined like Elly. Just sayin'.
"I can go anywhere without fear! I'm freeeeeeeeee !!"
Every Summer tends to lend itself to at least one picture that
looks like it could be a puzzle ...
Today's run felt significantly better than yesterday's post-Rest Week whatever-that-was!! And, while yesterday didn't bother me one bit, I was glad to know that two 5-milers back-to-back after a rest was more than in my realm of doable! You'd think that might be a 'duh' by now, but I take nothing for granted when it comes to this running gig! I do, however, have faith that everything I've put into it has been stored for reasonably immediate use. Persistence does pay off!
That happened to be one of those life lessons I briefly discussed with one of the Crewers today. You remember when you were a kid and your mom or your dad lectured you just when you were on the verge of quitting something because it was difficult and you had no perspective as to why it was difficult or that it would ever get any better therefore you decided what you were trying sucked, right? (And, when you remember such things, you do so in run-on sentence form.) Well, in today's installment of Life Lessons For Kids, I really didn't have much to say in lecture form (thanks to wildly insightful kids), but I did wrap up my few words with the following: "The worst thing you can ever do is give up on yourself. And, when you are feeling like something is impossible, just think of your 40-year-old mom sitting on the front step crying because running was so hard. Then remember she kept getting up off the front step."
Fortunately, that brought a smile to the young one. Possibly because of my hair:
That's good stuff!
Before signing off for the day, let me share Elly's selfie:
"Selfies are cool, mommy!"
I'm very happy to be back at the running routine because it most definitely starts my day off well! But, I'm not so happy that I'm not taking a rest, and that comes my way tomorrow! I'll check in then!

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