Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Cursed Lightening

Today’s Numbers: Nancy's Days Run: 89 Nancy's 2014 Mileage: 416.1 Elly's 2014 Mileage: 193.7 Money Found For Food Bank: $32.12

Hey, remember when I said it might rain this morning, so I didn't know if running was in the morning plan? Well, the rain got out of the way overnight. It was a helluva  storm, though, and it fried our computer. Yeah, I don't even want to talk about it. But, when I soon go off-line for a spell while getting a new one up and running (because this temp thing is only going to last me so long), well, just know it'll all get caught up on the flip side!

Until then, I make do. Yes, I know a computer is a luxury. I also know that I'm not the only one who has certain preferences and gets irritated when things aren't the way I'm used to! Like ... um ... temp computer = no blog pictures today! ARGH!

And, computer or not ... we run! Elly and I did end up getting out there this morning. It wasn't a fabulous run as I had just learned about the computer fry right when heading out the door which can make a girl a little tense. AND, I found no money. What the hell?! However, we weren't cutting through major humidity today, and, for that, I was very thankful!

Here are two sort-of fun facts for you for your Wednesday. First: Happy National Running Day! Yeah, it's National Running Day. Who knew? And, might I ask, who decides? I'm pretty certain I had a Rest Day on last year's National Running Day and would have had one on today's except that it didn't rain. Yeah, I'm a planner.

Speaking of planning, here's the other fun fact: Wait ... for ... it ... Did you know that 5 x 5 does NOT equal 20? It's like this: after figuring out the number of miles I should average a week so as to reach my goal of 1,000 by the end of the year, I've been telling myself all week that that means I should run 5 miles 5 times a week. I always think about this when out running, and it's been so hot and gross that the prospect of running 5 5-milers just sounds like a drag. A total drag. Because it will be summer.

But, yesterday, logic finally prevailed, and I did real-people math instead of Nancy's-freakin'-hot-and-feeling-gross math. That made the numbers break down in much more appealing terms!

For real, what is wrong with me.

In the meantime, having computed and rechecked my current math methods, I have 4.2 miles to run tomorrow to complete this week's installment of my maniac running goal, 2014. My real goal is to have Friday off free and clear, so this will be a great two-birds, one-stone situation!

I hope your plans are ironing out your way on this Wednesday! And, I really hope you don't have a computer get fried! I'll check in after the morning run!

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