Sunday, June 29, 2014

Drop the Burden. It's Heavy.

I acquired a new hedgehog
yesterday. That has nothing
to do with today's topic,
but it's awesome, so I had
to share.
I have spent the past week writing a letter to someone I love (yes, I said 'writing a letter' as in with a pen and paper ... people do still do that!). It took a week because (a) Summer schedules don't allow for concentrated stretches of time to do anything, and (b) I had a lot to say. Anyway, it was important for me to write because its recipient is holding on to a lot of garbage of the past: Things he was told; things he perceives; things that hurt. And, all of that amounts to robbing him of peace, happiness and potential. He doesn't see in himself what I see, so, I made it my mission to tell him.

But, isn't that so often the way things go? We are told something or experience something that colors our outlook ... and, almost always, to our detriment. Some of what we're told was never meant to hurt, and sometimes it was on purpose. Either way, it sucks and isn't right that we hold on to such negativity.

I've certainly leaned on friends and family to sift through some of my own crap throughout my adult life, and I know everyone has something from which they need to break free. And, then, there comes that point where we have to decide for ourselves our own worth and no longer use a broken (or otherwise totally messed up) measuring stick.

There are many lessons I once learned or opinions (past and present) I have had to challenge and dig really deep to get past in order to happily go forth. Running is just one of them, but it is most certainly one of them. That I have to repeatedly go through the process of challenging my own demons just to keep on keepin' on over the miles keeps me in excellent practice to take on any form of negativity that may either come my way or eek out of the recesses of my brain. Remaining positive and productive is a choice ... kind of like a muscle you use or you lose.

If you're holding on to something that is holding you back, I implore you to deal with it. Think it through, and weigh its value. Talk about it. Reach out for some help to gain perspective and/or finally let it go. And, never ever agree with anyone who only works to tear you down.

Easier said than done? Hell yes. But, the effort to work through it is such a lighter load than it is to carry the burden of the hurt.

With that, it's time for dinner, and a big, ol' artichoke is there waiting for me. See?
If I swing it right, I'll be getting some of those other ones, too.
Enjoy your Sunday evening, and I'll see you after the morning run!

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