Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Obsessive Streaks Aren't All They're Cracked Up To Be

Today’s Numbers: Nancy's Days Run: 94 Nancy's 2014 Mileage: 443.3 Elly's 2014 Mileage: 209.9 Money Found For Food Bank: $33.33

WHEW!!! That break from everything was outstanding!! And, that my run this morning made me feel like I've not run a day in my life didn't even phase me! It was good to be away from it all, and it was good to return. Win. Win.
Unfortunately, I chose to restart the running just when the temps really started to soar and the humidity blanket cozied itself right on up on us! But, that's the nature of the beast. At least I was smart enough to take water with me this morning. And, I was smart enough to leave Elly behind. To her predictable dismay.
I'm not sure why I necessarily thought making my first run in a week a 5-miler was a perfect idea, but I did. It wasn't that bad. Although, it wasn't that great, either! But, not every run is a perfect one no matter what. Wait ... let me restate: Most of my runs are far from perfect all the time, so why should this one have been any different, amiright ?!
Things did feel like a return to normal today as I found fun things along the way. For instance, when is the last time you saw jacks?
And, if you have seen them, I bet you didn't see them on the street. And, that happened, I bet they didn't match your shoes ...
I also had a return to cash as I found 42 cents!! WAHOO!! (Check out the total up there -- all 3's!) I will allow the hedgehog I acquired during my hiatus to show it off:
OF COURSE I took a break and got
myself a hedgehog. Duh.
Here's the thing about the next couple of months: It's all about making progress toward my year-end goal. No matter how fast, slow or in between, the focus is definite while the method has major wiggle room. That sounds like a great way to compliment the spirit of Summer!
Today's run exemplified some lazy days of Summer, and I make no apologies!
I do make a wee apology for the hair,
though. At least you can't smell me.
Trust me.
Taking this break was exactly what I needed if for no other reason than it broke a running streak I didn't intend to start. Rest Weeks used to be a definite part of my repertoire, and I let that go along the way. I know for certain I didn't take one last year at all, and I cut previous ones short. I get a bit obsessive when there's some sort of streak in my world (that I think began when I insisted for myself that I would have perfect attendance all the way through high school, and there was nothing getting in my way of that. And, yes, I attained it. Both cool and weird all at the same time.). That obsession isn't always awesome, and I needed a reminder that taking a break is ohhhh-kaaayyyy.
And, evidently, I needed a new hedgehog.
Tomorrow? YEAH I'm running! It'll be another nasty day for it, but I'll be out there ... contemplating when my next Rest Day will be ...!
Tune in to yourself, and see what you need to refuel! And, then do it! I'll check in after the morning run!

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