Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Another Way To Boost My Ego. I Like It.

Today’s Numbers: Nancy's Days Run: 99 Nancy's 2014 Mileage: 467.4 Elly's 2014 Mileage: 229 Money Found For Food Bank: $33.89

My normal running schedule never has me running three or more days in a row. That's probably why I like it so much and I have stuck with it for so long -- just when I want a break, there it is! But, there is nothing normal about my life schedule in the Summer, so, why should my running schedule be? Today, that amounted to another 5-er. And, it was a good morning for it! I went early enough that the sun was still behind trees for a good portion of the route which also meant it felt a little cooler. Ahhhh ...

Elly didn't get to go today. She was due for a rest of the regularly scheduled variety. Not only that, but I had an early appointment scheduled, and I wanted to get out and get back without her brand of dilly-dallying! It is because of that appointment that I went ahead and ran today with the plan to rest tomorrow: If there's already an extraneous reason to get up early, then why not do all get-up-early things on one day, and plan a rest on the morning where nothing is scheduled?! I think that's some brilliant thinking.

Without my four-legged partner, I cruised the route this morning. On the days I don't take Elly, I tend to feel like a total stud because of the resistance and slower pace she tends to provide! She's not only been a great pacer and trainer, it turns out she's also an accidental ego boost!

I was also able to get close enough to spy this birdie breakfast club since she wasn't there to scare them off at 50 paces!
They were chowing on some grub from a nearby fast-food
restaurant and wanted no part of flying away even when
they saw me.
Five miles and 3 cents later, it was a wrap!

Summer is cruising along! I hope your Hump Daaayyyyyyyyyyy (yyyyyeahhhh !!) was a great one, and I'll check in on tomorrow's Rest Day ... hopefully with a win for the US in the World Cup! See you then!

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