Monday, May 12, 2014

This Or That

Annnnnnnd, MONDAY! I don't know what that means for you, but I do hope it means something good!!

One of the thought processes I catch myself doing is comparing the length of time it takes me to do something to how long it takes me to run a Half Marathon. Weird, I know, but it's a great way to put my world into perspective, and I've done it since the beginning of time itself my participation in this running gig. For instance, when it seemed to take to run a 5K, I'd tell myself, "Okay, my usual time is the same as about this-many episodes of Friends without commercials ..." and I'd go on to remind myself just how many episodes of Friends, with or without commercials, I could easily watch and enjoy which was always more than needed to complete a 5K. Mental math and mental state both in immediate perspective. Booyah.

I was there in my head again this morning as I capitalized on not running to do some really lagging-behind garden work including creating this year's sitting spot on the deck:

Getting there ... patience ... patience ...
Part of what fueled my procrastination is just how much work it can be to turn over the garden dirt and avoid (or not) little things that reseeded and have popped up, not to mention the mulching. Ohhh, the mulching. Looks so good: sucks so bad to do! But, I love the outcome, so this morning was devoted to the endeavor.

Along the way, it was getting hot, I was terribly gross and just felt disgusting. (You know, like most mornings ...) I don't think I can count how many times I said to myself, "Okay. That spot gets attention, then I'm finished," or, "Plant one more, and no more today." But, I do remember the moment when prepping one of the big front pots for planting (was that even in the plan?) when I realized, "In the time I've spent out here, I could have finished a Half Marathon. And, showered!"

It may sound really strange, but that kind of comparison does this runner's soul a lot of good. I like that level of perseverance. I like that I wasn't physically ready to quit even though, mentally, I kind of was (which is where the struggle almost always is while running ... train the brain, people ...). And, I like that during this week's long run, or even next week's Half, I can remind myself that I gardened longer than it will take me to run. And, in a really odd way, that will help keep things in perspective.

Granted, I don't have to garden up hills, but that's a different issue entirely. No need to confuse matters.

And, just when I thought I should wrap it up for the day, I couldn't do so without tending to and giving a heap of TLC to the gifts I was given yesterday by the Crewers! You see, in these bags ...
... came these things!
I asked for some low-light plants for the scrapbook room ...
and, I got 'em! I also got a bear peeking over the one on the
right! Sweet!!
Also in one of the bags was the latest installment of the printed out Puppy Pacer chronicles, and! You guessed it, Aaron got me these ...
Screamin'-neon orange laces!! WAHOO! The blingy runner
girl Mary Kate sent me last year looks smashing on them,
doesn't she?!
I'll be all kinds of jazzed up for the morning run! It's the week's longest short run, and I'll check in after to let you know how it went (and, perhaps, what would have also taken that kind of time ... like, "I could have run 5 miles or taken an awesome nap" comes to mind!)! Fill your Monday with all good things, and I'll see you after the morning run!

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