Thursday, May 22, 2014

If Only I Really Hashtagged, Everyone Would Have This Delicious Tip

This picture has absolutely nothing to do with anything except that I thought it was pretty funny and it was either show you this or tell you my tales of woe regarding having to reschedule the Crewers' doctor check ups for the fourth -- fourth -- time since making the original appointments four months ago.

There's just no need to further explain. I'll spare you of that. You are welcome.

I will, however, explain this:
POW. Just wait ...
So, almost every morning (which means 4 to 6 mornings a week depending on what awesome plans I have on the other days), I have eggs and oatmeal (separately, duh) for breakfast. One whole egg + two whites with a whole mess of black pepper and red pepper flakes. Mmmm ... mmm. I really didn't think a quick breakfast could get much better than that.

Then, I think I saw a commercial for FAGE Total Greek Yogurt where Bobby Flay said he puts said yogurt into scrambled eggs. If he didn't say that, that's what I got out of whatever he did say. And, that was all it took to get me to try it myself (with my Great Value Greek yogurt, just sayin'.). I didn't even hear his reason for using it. I just wanted to taste for myself.

So, into the measuring cup went my eggs with a heaping tablespoon of the yogurt. I beat the holy Toledo out of it (because that's what it takes to incorporate the yogurt into the eggs; hashtag: goodthingi'msofreakin'strong), and turned it into this:
I then poured that on to my screamin' hot pan:
It pours something like pancake batter. Thick like that.
As it cooked, I tilted the pan to let what was sitting on top run to the pan. Then, I let the one side cook until I could flip without tearing it to pieces. Once cooked to my liking (and, by that, I mean "completely"), I had this:
Fluffy and delish!!
The yogurt not only made the eggs super fluffy, but it also added just a mere  hint of plain yogurt tang as well as barely a trace  of vanilla (even though it was the plain variety of yogurt).

Super. Freakin'. Awesome!

What's also awesome is getting yet another protein punch into a meal. And, as low in calories as Greek yogurt is, you can add as much or as little to something like eggs without negative consequence! Seriously: There's 20 calories in a whole cup of Greek yogurt! Booyah!

Speaking of protein, this girl wanted another round of that super-awesome black bean-quinoa cuisine tonight, but the store was out of the reasonably priced white quinoa variety. Because it was reasonably priced. They had the same price on a brand of red quinoa, though. I didn't know if there was really a difference, so I decided to just go for it and get it. I figured if it turned out to be some weirdo concoction, at least it would be buried in the other flavors, right?
Red turns brown after cooking. That's what happened.
It turns out red quinoa tastes only slightly different from the white. It's a bit more earthy, but it's nothing I would even notice if not for the color difference tipping me off that it's not white quinoa. Nor is it rice. Or barley. Or grits. I'm just making stuff up at this point.

ANYWAY. The moral of the quinoa story is that for once I trusted myself while  at the store to figure out the alternative for what I needed when what I wanted was out of stock, and I did so without making a big, store-to-store quest, complete with disgruntled sighs and teeth gnashes, only to wind up where I started for my original planned ingredient.

Yes, I trusted red and white quinoa could swap for each other. Yes, this was a leap for me. Hey, if I'm going to hold back my development in some area of my life, I'm not ashamed to say it's in the cooking realm!

And, in the spirit of not holding myself back, let's flash back to October 2012 when I ran my very first Half Marathon ...
Never thought I'd do that. Never, ever,
ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever.
... and, come forward to this Saturday when I put my toes up to the starting line of my 10th Half! I'm totally stoked!!! Fingers are crossed with regard to the weather (very hopeful at this point!)! I'll check in tomorrow to share the getting-ready details! See you then!

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