2012 Found-Money Food Bank Donation: $7.83
It's official: I hate my capri running pants. And, my hatred is grounded solely in the fact that they have not a single pocket in 'em. I've complained about this before. And, today, I was really irked. Here's how it went down ...
(But, before you think this is totally random when my focus is running, let's review):
Okay -- For whatever reason (and, I honestly don't know exactly why), I decided this morning's route would be exactly the same as yesterday's. I only had four miles on my schedule for today, but I wanted to go ahead with the five and a half. It's highly possible I wanted to make sure I routed myself through a drive-thru for some money hunting (totally worked, too), but, I digress.
Anyway. With the Fall leaves production pretty much over, and the same route being run on a sleepy Saturday morning, I rolled the dice with the capri pants. They are perfect for the 50-degree weather. But, they suck for not having a pocket for my camera. And, we all know a camera is a staple of my running gear. It has gone with me across more miles than a water bottle. So, c'mon, capri pant people, buck up with a pocket!! Just one! Again, I digress ...
Elly and I were cruising along well ahead of the rain that hit later in the morning (whee!). It was super windy, but Elly's ears blowing straight back (think 'super hero capes') were so entertaining that they distracted me from having to fight to move forward. I was also very pleased that this back-to-back distance was a huge success Day 2. All was going really well this morning!
And, then, check this out: I was hovering around the 4.5-mile mark when my path crossed with my dear friend Juli who was just heading out to run! How perfect was it that our paths would overlap for about a half mile!! WAHOO!! Elly, too, could hardly stand how excited she was about our gal pal joining us! Running and talking?! Suuhhh-weeeeeet !!!
The problem? WHERE. WAS. MY. CAMERA?! It certainly wasn't in my non-existent pocket !! Seriously. I mean, think about it: I run in the ballpark of, say, 200 days in the year. I leave my camera behind approximately two of those days. AAAAAAAAAAAHH!!
Yeah, well, after a wonderful few minutes of quick catch-up chat, we all parted ways as Elly and I wrapped up our route. Then, I went right back out to solve that problem. In the car. Dragging Pit Crew #2 happily with me. (See? There she is:)
Can you tell she's not been up for long? Last night, she alluded to the possibility of joining me this morning. Then she heard I was going longer than four miles and opted for sleep instead! |
I did yell out to Juli on our way to u-turn and catch her at the top, but a drive-by shout out doesn't count because there's little required of the runner. And, I wanted a picture, so she may as well know we were going to be there, amiright ? No need to startle anyone. Anyway, here we are!
No camera at the point of discovery? No problem because I have a car! I'm a problem solver. |
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My 2nd 5K, 2009. Elly says, "Gal Pals 4-evahhhhh!" |
Why the need to run her down for a pic? I mean, my run was over, so what's the point, right? It's really quite simple to me. Juli is one of the original running partners. She's the one who was with me on that hill that almost killed me in my second 5K, and I learned a lot about being supportive and having grace by how she responded to me on that day. She's the one I invited to run with me in my first 10K only to also tell her, "You can talk to me all you want, but don't expect me to respond because I probably can't." And, really, I couldn't. I could gasp really, really well, but responding? No, not so much. Fast forward to this morning, and we chatted it up to the point where we needed to split. And, a nice stretch of that talking was on an incline (one that still gets me in the summer heat at the end of a run). She and I also used to walk together many mornings. From double strollers to she with a stroller and I with my very contrary dog (who set the tone for our distaste of being required to stop while going up hills ...), we've covered a lot of miles together. More than I can count.
So, was this picture necessary? No. But, I really wanted it.
'See you on tomorrow's Rest Day!
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