Today's hot topics include the growing disdain for "selfies" (guilty as charged and make no apologies) as well as someone who is crazy-annoyed by the speed at which Americans (yes, specifically) are able to complete a Half or Full Marathon. Apparently, we as a whole are too slow to the point races should be considered parades to some.
To all who are clearly hacked off about these two topics, the main theme I want to communicate is, "Shhhhhhh ..."
If that doesn't make my point, I offer the following: If you don't like the selfies, don't look at them. And, if watching a running event bores you, stop watching. In either case, chillax. It's that easy.
Speaking of being chill and an eased state of mind, I focused some time on this Rest Day to spruce up the house for Fall, and I'm going to show you because it's awesome. Ready?
'Want to see a creature who has not a single care in the world?!
"Is there something I'm supposed to care about, mommy? Because, I'm busy." |
That foliage went up here:
And, then, I spruced up one of our real plants with some fake goods:
Every plant needs a pilgrim owl, amiright? |
Acrylic leaves and pumpkins ... I cannot wait to see who around here thinks it's candy ... |
I bet I can run faster than a hedgehog. |
I'm betting I had more fun decorating than the people ranting today about issues that really aren't hurting anyone. Just a guess.
I'm also going to have fun tomorrow getting back on the running schedule. Plan A is, of course, to go out with the pooch. But, it's supposed to rain. So, I have Plan B: treadmill and awesome crap on the DVR. Either way, it'll be a great way to start the day minding my own biz and soaking in the little things that -- I think -- make life worth living.
Take a moment (or more!) to just Shhhhh ... be still if even for just a little bit, and I'll see you after the morning run!
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