Sunday, November 10, 2013

Evolutionary Snafu

You all know how I love to look for and -- especially -- find money. I've always picked up the random penny (or scored $2.10 from a pay phone while waiting in line at the dollar movie on my first date with Aaron ... for real. No wonder he wanted to marry me, right ?!). You've also been along for the ride as my money-finding prowess spilled into running and how that evolved into donating it to the Food Bank. Oh, but the evolution didn't stop as that then spilled back in  to the rest of my life as all found money now goes to the Food Bank.

Whew! It's a fun ride!

You also know that I am not shy about yelling out, "PULL OVER!" when we're driving, and I see money on the side of the road. It's almost painful when the rules of the road prevent a stop or a turn-around. But, this morning, when I yelled, "A QUARTERRRRRR!!!", there was zero hesitation from Aaron as he took the very next opportunity to turn around and position us to where I could get out and snag the treasure. I mean, it was a quarter on the side of the road !!!!!

Or, was it ...

Hours later, we were all in a parking lot where both Pit Crew #2 and I found pennies. Of course, we had to yell out, "Penny!" as we found them. But, it was when Aaron yelled out, "Quarter!" as he went to pick up his own beer bottle cap that I realized I'm not living down the earlier snafu any time soon.

That's okay, though. I totally deserve it. I found a quarter in a soda machine later anyway. It seems I was meant to find one today!

By the way, here's how the found-out-and-about money stash looks:
That's a 26-ounce jar of goodness! I thought about counting it, but I'll wait a couple of more weeks and do so right before we donate. It saves me from a thorough hand washing right now!

Evidently, it's a day to laugh at yourself! Hey, I share with you when I fall down running, so this seemed appropriate! Go ahead and giggle, and I'll see you from tomorrow's Rest Day, the sequel!

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