Saturday, November 23, 2013


Today’s Numbers: Nancy's Days Run: 177 Nancy's 2013 Mileage: 835.8 Elly's 2013 Mileage: 398.1 Money Found For Food Bank: $21.78 in change; $25 in bills

2012 Found-Money Food Bank Donation: $7.83
My head was not exactly ready for this morning's run. It was a very full week, and it felt oh-so-awesome under the comforters with the heater running in the 26-degree weather. I wanted little to do with getting up much less going running. I wasn't bitter; I just wasn't into it.
But, for someone seemingly so uninvested in getting out there, I had my thinking cap on while getting ready. I double checked to make sure I had on the right pants (right = has pocket). I took the time to change pants when I discovered I had on the wrong pants. I remembered to do my squats and heel lifts while brushing my teeth (see how I combine the warm-up with the teeth time? Efficient, I am!). And, before heading out, I grabbed my camera even though I was mentally uninspired. (No one needed a repeat of last week, amiright ?)
Elly was way more inspired than I to go which actually perked me up a little because she's so excitable and cute. (Pit Crew #2 was not inspired to go with us at all even though I asked her nicely and told her I would run-walk it. Just noting.)
For the most part, it was just a run like most others. It was cold, which I do like, and I found pennies strewn throughout the route which I totally like. I also like that right after the very moment I thought to myself that there was no way I'd run into Juli again this week, I did.
Elly could hardly believe her awesome
fortune seeing her gal pal again!! I mean,
I was very happy, but there's nothing
quite like Elly-happy!!
I saw her ahead of me coming my way, but I didn't yet know it was her. I'd already gotten Elly and myself into the bike lane to give the mystery runner the sidewalk when I not only heard someone yelling (um, that was Juli), but Elly also started going nut-ty. Between Elly's ballistic moves and Juli waving her hands over her head, there was a whole lot going on on that sidewalk!
There was also a whole lot going on in the runny nose department for all very chilly runners involved (seriously ... gross, but it sure does tell you who your friends are when they put up with such things), so we exchanged our quick hellos and good-byes and went on with our respective runs. Yay to encountering Juli without having to chase her down in my car!!
In other notables today, I saw this:
Don't get me wrong, my heart goes out to anyone who has lost a pet. It's the basket. Are you supposed to put the cat in the basket if you find it? Wouldn't it be fabulous if you did and the cat stayed until its owner picked it up? Picture it. It's cute.
Okay, down to biz: I have two more runs before Tuesday's donation day which is awesome because I can run one money pit route on Monday and the other on Tuesday. It's quite excellent that it worked that way! AND, according to the current tally, I'm only 22 cents away from 22 dollars in change! There's potential for hitting that, don'tcha think?! It's possible I'm a few cents off one way or the other (especially given I've been throwing the bank around and spilling it everywhere, but I digress.). Then, there's a Rest Day before the fam does the Turkey Trax run!! Whee!! That's a great lineup!!
With that, it's time to cruise into the rest of the day. I guess the moral of today's theme is to be prepared even if you're not feelin' what you're supposed to do. It worked for me today. It also works that I have friends who don't mind being chased after in a car and/or exchanging snotty hugs. Ooo ... that's my other theme: Make sure you surround yourself with people who don't care that you're something of a dork.
I'll see you tomorrow from Rest Day!

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