Monday, November 4, 2013

It's Like I've Been Promoted

I grew up with this pumpkin hanging on
our front door every October. I get to hang
it now, and I totally love it. It has zero to
do with running. I just like it.
Remember how you felt when you got your first job, and you basically had to do whatever you were told whenever you were told to do it and always felt the need to prove yourself? And, then, as you climbed your ladder, whether by advancement or seniority, you started to come into your own and make some of the what-and-when decisions for yourself? And, you had little to prove because you'd already done so? Ahh, newfound freedom!

My running decision today is exactly that. Only running. Not working. Anyway, a handful of weeks ago, I went on to the website to check out registration information for the upcoming Jingle Bell Run which is when I also almost went into shock when I saw the registration price for this 5K is $35. Whuuut ?! I have absolutely no recollection of it being that much last year, and I know my first one four years ago was only $20. So, the price tag made me take great pause.

I know it's a good cause. But, it's just a 5K. Not to mention, the two Half Marathons I've already registered for in the Spring cost $45 and $60, so, not even double the money for more than quadruple the distance. (Side note: If I had tried to figure out that math while actually running, it would have never computed. I've learned over the years that I cannot run numbers and actually run at the same time. Just a fun fact for you.)

The kicker for me, though, was attending the JBR kick-off soiree yesterday which was advertised as quite the shindig. While the organization cannot be held responsible for the turnout of about 20 people (most of whom were young family members and likely not runners), I do take a wee bit of issue with there being very sparse attendance and no effort whatsover made by the organization representatives to greet us, see if we were new or returning attendees to the run, etc. It just wasn't good PR. And, the price does not make for good home economics.

Going to the venue, though, did make for a nice Fall family pic. See?
So, like the employee who finally got to the point where she realized she could make some of her own rules and not be obligated to what's been done in the past, I decided today that I'm not going to Jingle Bell Run this year. I have no personal need to prove I can run that distance, and I have no personal desire to pay that high of an entry fee! If it were my first run ever, I'd do it. It's just not.

I contacted my intended running partner Woody (you remember him!) and suggested we bag the running thing and all of us get together for breakfast and games instead. He was totally in, so that's the new plan!! Yeahhhhh !!!!

I do love the festive atmosphere of that run, and I certainly appreciate the cause. It's just not a good fit for me anymore, so I'll get my holiday fix elsewhere (like, everywhere! It's December and all!) and continue to run my own way!

That decision was a very successful Monday accomplishment!

Take a minute, and make sure what you're engaging in is what you're really needing and wanting, not just what you've always done. You never know what you can let go of or what fun, new plan you can create! I'll see you tomorrow on the already-last (how'd that happen?!) Rest Day!!

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