Friday, November 8, 2013

Long-Term Vision

Today's numbers: Nancy's Days Run: 168 Nancy's 2013 Mileage 792.5 Elly's 2013 Mileage 369.4 Money Found For Food Bank: $19.67 in change, $25 in bills

2012 Found-Money Food Bank Donation: $7.83

The first order of business today is that it's official: As referenced yesterday, I cannot be trusted with an open bag of peanut M&Ms. 'Nuff said.

No one has ever accused me of being overdressed for much of anything, but this morning, I was most definitely overdressed for my run. I looked out before hitting the road to see everything was frosty. Very frosty. And, it was 33 degrees. So, I dressed in pants, long sleeves and second skins only to find out this particular 33 degrees was the warm kind and not the holy-crap-it's-so-cold kind. (Oh, don't pretend you don't know there's a difference.) So, I was mighty sweaty by the end of these three miles. And, the people at the grocery store where I stopped immediately after running probably appreciated that. But, I digress.

It was very sunny which contributed not only to the warmth but also to finding money I might not otherwise see. I've learned I don't have to look quite as closely to the ground when running into the sun because it will bounce off of coins and shine like a search light calling out to me. It's a seriously good strategy. Today's sunshine find was a dime that there's no way I would have seen without the reflection. It's pretty mangled, but it still counts!
This guy has definitely seen better, more gentle days!
The sun also made the leaves extra pretty. See?
'Love how they glow!!
For the finds (also found a nickel!) and the pretty trees, the run today still sucked. I'm tired, I felt achy, and I was just generally in a not-in-the-mood mood. I did go, I covered the miles, but the outcome of the effort felt like a big, steamy pile of doggie doo. The steamy part was fitting given the frost if you ask me.
I'm pretty sure this dog would have loved my run. He seems
to be in favor of the pile of poo ...
You know what, though? I was still glad I went. I had my eye on my end-of-the-year goal as my prize (only 107.5 more miles!), and that was truly enough to keep me motivated. Not running would not have contributed to nor solved anything that is currently annoying me, so why not go and be productive in the long-term way?

Hardly anything in my life is determined by only what's right in front of my face; my focus is on the long-term goals and desires. I work my running the same way, and that's what keeps me going!

Do not dismay when your efforts don't go your way!! Keep on keepin' on; I promise the cumulative result will tip in your favor! For those times when it just feels crappy, well, do it anyway. Then find a descriptor (and, potentially, an online comic!) that makes you smile about it until you can go out and try again!

Speaking of, Elly and I are going to hit it tomorrow so I can put two Rest Days together!! We'll see you after what's sure to be a much better morning run!

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