Wednesday, June 26, 2013

School's In Session

I liken today's run to something of a field trip. We saw all sorts of cool things! It was even better than a field trip, though, because this chaperone wasn't responsible for actually imparting knowledge on anyone. We could look and explore without having to know or teach a darned thing! WooHoo!! (Oh, I've done the science field trips. I'm also a lifetime member of the International Thespian Society -- for real. Put two and two together there.)

The outside temp read 75 degrees when I went out, and I knew the humidity dropped (um, somewhat ...) from Monday, so I decided it was okay to take Elly. Within the first mile, it was clear it was fine for her to be with me, but it would again be a run at her pace, period. Good.Ness. It's hot out there! That's okay, though, because her pace brought on the field trip theme! Besides, you know how I like to take in the scenery ...
Bravo, I Love To Run Facebook page ...
I think we get each other!
So, our adventure provided a really fun trip through nature. For a good little stretch, we had two, fluttering friends follow us!
See the little yellow butterfly?? So cute!
 And, they led us to these:
I loved these!
They even matched our running gear today!
While I marveled at my eye level, Elly did the same at hers:
Okay, yes, she's actually smelling something. Probably a gross
something. So, just look at the purple flowers and nevermind
what she's doing ...
And, then we went even farther down ...
At this point, I made a concious decision to stop looking around for cool stuff because I did actually want to get home at some point. And, it was hot, so the sight seeing was both fun and gross all at the same time. We'd rested enough (in that first mile yeah we did !!), so it was time to get on with it for a bit.

Somewhere in that next mile, I saw a patch of really pretty purple weeds, and Elly seemed to slow herself down again, so what better time to take her picture with them. Right?
That's where a panting dog is a total fake for a smiling dog.
Elly was having none of being told to sit down until the third
command. And, then, she was all pouty about it. Is she a dog,
or is she a three year old? I forget sometimes ...
There was a great amount of shade through the second and third mile which was a huge blessing. By the end of it, though, Elly started to jump in the grass again and again. It seems she was finished with the field trip and planted herself right in the middle of Health Class as she'd scoot herself in the grass to restart her system ...
"Mommy, this isn't just health class. It's
exercise physiology. I'm a very
sophisticated puppy. Duh."
... then skidoo up in front of me to let me know she was ready to go!
"Let's do this! For a few more yards ..."
It was like puppy interval training. And, I was all for it!! Did I mention it was really hot? Bleh.

Both of us were happy to make it to our fourth mile end point!
Yeah, we're both panting here!!
And, we came back home and right into Arts & Crafts time!
Even the boys were along for the theme today! The ol' mile
markers are coming along!
These days are rough with the weather. There is no doubt about it, and years into this activity, I finally believe it. All I thought for the entire run today was that the heat really is why I feel like I'm dragging myself through the run, and it really is okay to feel this crappy!! I also thought about how many times I've come out on the other side of this kind of weather feeling like a total stud -- once the humidity lifts, it's amazing how the same effort produces such a rockin'-better result!! I'm looking forward to that!!

Hang in there as you fight your own elements!! The important part is to keep going! No matter how many modifications you need to make (and, definitely make the ones that keep you safe !!), it's worth going forward!! Use your newfound time to check out a critter or some flowers! For real; it's fun!

Tomorrow morning holds another running slot, so I'll check in after!

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