Thursday, June 13, 2013

My Zone

As forecast, we were touched with a morning 10 degrees cooler and way less humid than yesterday morning. Elly and I went out the door, and while I was all, "Ahhhh ..." to the weather, Elly went all spastic because she likes to establish unnecessary dominance at the dog (who wasn't bothering anybody) across the street. She got her rebel yell out anyway, and I was ready to hit it. It was simply fantastic.

On most of my runs, my brain goes pretty blank. I'm quite in the moment of just being. It's not even like I'm all in the running moment  and totally in tune with my body (although that totally happens when I have to wait for traffic because my lungs are heaving and I pay attention because it's kind of cool). Mine is more of a zone-out. It's a nice time to turn off my brain which is why when life is annoying (like a few weeks ago), I get irritated because that also messes with my peaceful running mojo. This morning, I could feel a particular annoyance in my life creeping in -- nothing huge, just a normal kind of people issue I'd as yet chosen not to address -- so I actually plugged my brain in while I ran to come up with a solution for my problem and not let it fester and cramp my rockin' running style.

The end of that story is that I came up with (and later executed) my solution. I'm telling you, though, that's the last time I plan to use my running time to also use my brain. I'd much rather sing to myself! (Hey, annoying ones! Outta my zonnnnnnnnneeee!)

So, it was a run productive on two fronts (the running and the problem-solving). It was also a run flush with an awesome fashion duo ... check us out:
While we can't really twin it up, we sure
can coordinate!!!
After our finisher's pic (ha!), we went in so Elly could -- you guessed it -- nap, and I did some running-site surfing while cooling down before showering. It was while I was at the computer that the sweat shower turned on without warning.
I was just sitting there. Not moving. Then,
all of a sudden, sweat oozed out of every
pore of my body all at the same time! It
was kind of sick -- not in that kids-today
vernacular, I mean gross!
In other news today, I finally prepped (and, by "prepped" I mean "washed" the t-shirts for the upcoming virtual runs! You're supposed to wash the shirts before adorning them with such things as glitter and blingy cupcakes, but you're not supposed to use fabric softener in the prep. That was the hang-up ... I had to run a special load of wash, and, seeing as I barely separate lights from darks (okay, I don't do that at all unless the item is new), you know I wasn't in any hurry to do a very special load of wash. It is now, however, washed. The glitter awaits ...

I'll see you from Rest Day, and I'll give you the update on the arts and crafts portion of this running program!! (didn't know 'bout that, did you?!)

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