Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Who Knew?!

Hey! Did you know it's National Running Day?!
Oh my gosh, it did take a while to figure it out. But, I'm sooo
glad I finally did!!!
Without social media, I wouldn't know, either, but the fact that I do makes today's installment of my day-by-day calendar even funnier:
PC#2 got her groove on today with her 10K training, too!! Check her out in action!
Look at her go!!! And, you'll note she's on
a treadmill staring at a wall. What you don't
know just by looking at the picture is that
she is trotting along without complaint! She
is more treadmill hard core than I!!!
Of course, Elly and I headed out this morning, too ...
I enjoy jogging while carrying a bread
bag full of doggie doo ...
Remember the weeds I recently mentioned that are taller than I? Elly worked hard to cooperate to help show just how tall they are:
She hated sitting on the grass because she
is a diva. But, she did it because she loves
me and has also figured out that if she just
cooperates, she gets to move on faster!
(Seriously, look how tall those are!!)
Okay, so there were some other notables today. First and foremost, Elly did an awesome job not freaking out at passing trucks. It's almost like she figured out the we're-on-a-sidewalk concept. I'm sure that's a fleeting thing, but I took it for today especially when we ran along a busy street during the morning rush!

That morning rush creates a whole lot of noise, by the way. I'm so used to being out well before most cars load up the street or just right after everyone's where they need to get, so I totally noticed just how much noise there was! It even blocked out anything I sang to myself even though you'd think my internal singing could overcome the outer noise. Evidently not.

Of course, it was along a noisy street when I came upon a man walking his daughter to a bus stop. He was wearing a t-shirt to a high school that was a rival to mine, so I took the opportunity to point to it and shout out where I attended school. Of course he needed to know. The funny thing is you know that dude threw on his shirt this morning without really embracing what it was, so when smelly-runner-lady and her dog point and yell to him while passing by, his brain momentarily went all a-buzz digesting what just happened! He did quickly acknowledge making all connections before I was out of ear shot. I love those moments you figure out after they happen, so it was my pleasure to provide one for him. I'm a giver.

It was also my pleasure to find three pennies along our route. Hooray!

My partner and I finished strong:
And, I totally rocked one of my new head bands!
That was our adventure today! Another fun run in the books!! I'm having a hard time digesting another Half Marathon distance is on my near horizon, but we're in full force training for it, so here we go again!! We'll see you after tomorrow's morning run!

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