Friday, June 14, 2013

Running Fun Abounds

Ohhhhh yeahhhhh, it's FRIDAY!!! All sorts of good things are happening, so let's get to it!!

Okay, as promised, running-related arts and crafts did take place today!! It was minimal, but it happened. I have a little prize to send my friend Mary Kate who is virtual-running with me and PC#2 at the end of July, so decorating the mailing was simply required! See?
Lining the outside of the envelope ... cupcakes, of course!!
When you participate in a virtual cupcake run, you get
cupcake mail! Duh.
'Like my cupcake? I drew that bad boy with glitter pens that are
as old as time ... luckily, I found enough that worked!
I'd tell you what she's getting, but I can't do so until I know she already has it. It's not big, but it is fun, so there you go! You'll find out soon!

Also in the "soon" category is work beginning on the shirts!! Here's proof that the shirts have been attended to and not still in their craft store bags:
Rolled up with all of the crafting goods
together is a major step in progress!
Turning from crafting to fashion (oh, my, aren't we hitting all of the running themes really hard today?! Yeah!!!), look what I found at a garage sale this morning for my running hair goods!!
I bought this knowing I'd either be able
to use it for my hair goods, or I'd paint it
to use for my medals. The hair goods win!
And, the rack is twice as long as you see ...
room for double the goods, anyone?!!
Did I mention it was only a quarter?!?!
As we are (perpetually) redoing the bathroom where it will hang, for now, it nests in the window. I actually kind of like it there ...
Ahhh ... fabulous!
These little things keep that running fire going!! I'd say I'm kidding, but I'm totally not. I totally dig the activity, but it's even better with the amenities I've decided are important!!

I've also already mapped tomorrow's routes for both me and PC#2!! I'm pretty excited because longer runs = more possibility of incorporating drive-thrus to find money!! Tomorrow, PC#2 is embarking on her first drive-thru-on-foot excursion!! I know, it's weird to find excitement in that, but you already get me by now!

'See you after the awesome morning run!!

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