Thursday, June 27, 2013


In the past year, I've been introduced to the following when reading exercise blogs: WOD. It took me quite some time to crack this code to mean Workout Of the Day. Basically, it's a list of what to do that day posted at many gyms and by personal trainers. I'm big into words and acronyms and all kinds of things combinations-of-letters related, so that it took me a long time to decipher WOD actually bugged me (this is my issue, I don't expect anyone else to understand).

I've decided to redefine it for myself, though. This decision came about on this morning's run when I came upon these:
Almost looks like a puzzle, right? Maybe I can parlay this
running gig into puzzle production. Retirement planning
at its finest!
While many people share their Workouts Of the Day (which is fantastic, don't get me wrong), I'm more the anti-workout and have been sharing with you this week the Weed Of the Day! They're awesome, though, so you are totally welcome!!! (Seriously, I'm not sure why these kinds of weeds don't just grow in my garden. There are all sorts of cool ones out there, why do we just get stuck with dandelions?)

I'm not actually an anti-workout person or I'm pretty certain this running thing would have fallen to the wayside long ago. I am, however, all about making it as interesting and fun for myself as possible. That's why my camera is in my pocket on most every run and why I'm so annoyed that it's difficult to find capri workout pants with a pocket to accommodate one. (Say it with me: Pri-or-i-ties ...) That's why I keep my eyes open for money (because finding money is always fun!). And, that's why I bring along the pooch even when she gets totally annoying.

Speaking of, the humidity dropped again this morning, so Elly joined me. I intentionally went a route where I was most likely to find some coins. But, it's also the route that has a stretch where we run  with traffic on a sidewalk  and Elly gets the bejeebers scared out of her. Long story short, the girl has caught on to the route and spent a good half mile resisting getting to the scary spot. *sigh* I thought, that'll be great ... she has a heart attack from fear but everyone will think it's because she was running in temperatures too hot for her.

Spoiler alert: Everyone lived.

And, we found money. See? Worth it!
Okay, the gross funny thing about these pennies is that both of
them looked like the one on the left when I picked them up. Once
I got home, the one on the right was rinsed off a bit. It had only
been in my pocket. Um, ewwwww ...
Even though the temperature has been okay these past two days, it's still hot enough to suck the energy outta you, so I'm pretty jazzed tomorrow's a Rest Day! Stay safe, stay hydrated, and keep whatever you're doing fun! I'll see you from Rest Day!

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