Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Adjustments, Not Excuses

So, there I was surfing around on a Facebook page that I really dig (Run Find Your Happy Pace ... Happy is right there in the name !!) when the owner posted a link to see the reveal of the Virginia Beach Rock 'n' Roll Marathon medal and shirt. I saw the link and got all kinds of giddy; I totally wanted to see!!

Wait, what? You didn't know I was running the Virginia Beach Rock 'n' Roll series run? That's because I'm not ! But, I get sucked in wanting to know about the Rock 'n' Roll series no matter where its being held, and I've developed this sickness for earning finisher medals. SO, I just had to see!!

Two things are notable: First, you have to "Like" their page to see the pics ... pretty wise, I must say (but, of course, as it's a race I'm not going to run, I liked it, saw the pics then unliked it ... not interested in loading up my feed, please). Second, their medal is a star fish. HA! Fabulous!

But, is it as fabulous as making shirts with your girl for an upcoming virtual run? I THINK NOT! The Virtual Firework Cupcake Race is coming, and we need our shirts!! You might remember, I bought some shirts and some supplies to make them. I'm not going to lie, I've been caught between complete confidence in my ability to pull them off and utter fear that I'm going to screw 'em up. Last night, though, while at the store for other running-related crafty supplies (oh, yes, PC#2 is totally getting into the running accoutrement ... you'll see!!), I came upon these ...
... and bought them as a back-up plan in case my by-hand glitter letter bonanza doesn't pan out! The funny thing is that as soon as I had these in hand in my house, I was all kinds of pumped to try out the glue and glitter method! Just knowing there was a back up gave me peace! So, I pulled out an old t-shirt, plopped myself down and went for it!

I didn't do a lot of thinking and just did  on this project to see what would happen under what I would consider worse-case scenarios. I'd say for not planning at all, for using a shirt not prepared as recommended and for using a broken toothpick instead of a paint brush for the glue, things turned out quite well!!

For the methods I used, this turned out awesome. I can't wait
to see what I can do when I actually do it correctly!
Now, before you look below, keep in mind it was about sampling the glitter and not about neatness nor completeness:
We'll see how the black and white glitters pick up light ... I'm
totally digging the silver, though! bling!
So far, so very good!! You can't wash it for 3 days, so I'll do that this weekend and see how everything holds up. Assuming it does, we are in BIZ!!

Oh, yeah ... and, I ran today! Just when you thought I was morphing running into an excuse to create my own craft studio ...

Here's the thing about today's run: Between the very, steady stream of big home-improvement projects we have going on and having to repeatedly prove my dominance at Monkey In the Middle in the pool, I do not wake up with anny muscle in my body begging me to go run! In fact, it's quite the opposite. IN FACT, I'm pretty sure a few of my muscles have themselves little potty mouths, just sayin'. But, when I'm feeling that way, that's just too bad because I have made a commitment to myself (and, right now, to PC#2!) to make no excuses, get out there and rock these runs!

Rock 'em? Allow me to clarify: Rock 'em = Totally Did It No Matter How !! Take this morning ... I was about a half mile out when those potty mouthed muscles were barking at me. That was the perfect moment to just stop, right? WRONG! It was, however, the perfect moment to slow ... it ... dowwwwwwnnn ... I realized I was going too fast, and, for what? I literally said to myself, "Um, what is it you are doing? Just. Cover. the. Distance. (Duh.) So, that's what I did.

Remember this: Adjustments are fine; excuses are not!

My 4-legged friend was not along with me today (you'll see her PEARLY WHITES tomorrow!), so it likely took me longer than it would have to notice this!
Without Elly there to perk up and act tough toward the turtle,
it took a minute to register that there was something cool to
see!! (Besides, you know I was looking to the right for money.)
Well done, turtle friend, being on the grass side of the street! That curb + you = nothing good.

These have been out for a while but really caught my eye today, too:
What's better than really pretty weeds ...
... in my very favorite color? Why don't
these grow in my lawn instead of dandelions?
Seriously, do you even believe I was out running today? Okay, here's the only real proof I have:
Yes, I'm running. You're just going to
have to trust me.
Here's your pop quiz of the day! That look on my face is caused by: (a) determination while I'm running up a hill to my finishing point, or (b) focus on trying to answer in my head why my brain was fixated for the entire run on slow love songs rather than my typical, go-to rockin' tunes?

The answer is ... B. I was all about that hill today, but I was a little weary of an Alabama ballad trumping my usual Def Leppard. Don't get me wrong, I'm all about the slow, gushy songs. But, not while I'm running.

With that, it's a rap! The day's miles are logged by both me and PC#2 who admitted today that she's not a fan of running more than 2 miles on a treadmill. "Two's fine. But, three ..." she said with disdain. HA! That's my girl! Tomorrow's another run, so we'll see you after!

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