Sunday, June 23, 2013

All Running Related

Did I need this yesterday, or what?
What's super-stinky is when I was out this morning at 8 a.m. (um, not running ...), it was very pleasant with a -- wait ... for ... it ... -- cool breeze!! What ?!? No fair!! Man, we got totally hosed with our weather yesterday for our run!! Oh well, whadda ya do ...

Okay, so today ... with a plan to go to the pool that got thwarted ...
That's a storm a'rollin' in ... grrrrr ...
... I have a few random-but-awesome updates for you!

First ... the shirt project! You might recall I was to wash the glitter experiment this weekend to see how well it held up. The verdict:
Contrary to what this looks like, it actually
worked exactly as well as I gave it a chance.
I didn't spend much time with the black at
all, and the only silver that flaked is where
I flicked it off where it was too heavy. The
white worked perfectly, but I also did it the
right way.
This, to which I gave the most care and attention, worked
exactly how I wanted and totally withstood the wash!
You won't be surprised to know I keep coming across different ways to do this including finding even more lettering options yesterday, but the best news is I'm confident in whatever way we go!! Confident in success? I'm on board with that!

Next ... the pursuit you didn't even know about: A medal hanger! It's exactly what it sounds like: A rack to hang the ol' medals. They're usually metal and have a saying like "Half Marathon" or "Runner" - or something far more elaborate - with a way to slide and/or hang the medals under the phrase. I've seen them at Expos and on the web, but nothing has ever really caught my eye. (If you're super curious, a quickie Google search of "medal hangers" will give you what I'm talking about.) There's not a thing wrong with them, they're just not me. However, I've found just the thing that is:
I'm reasonably sure it's a jacket/coat rack, but not in my house!! How fabulous is that?!? I can not only put pictures in there, but the top is a shelf for more pictures!!! That's the feature that threw this over the top and into my arms to purchase, not to mention it was half price!! WAHOO!! (and, considerably less than the aforementioned metal medal hangers! Music to this penny-finding girl's ears!) I cannot wait to fill and hang it!! That won't happen for a little while as the multitude of home projects continues (let's not discuss), but when it does, you'll see it here!! Whee!!
Speaking of home projects, remember my tales of woe regarding my unintentional stairmastering with the paint chair? Here's a whole different tail of woe for you:
I didn't see my little helper got a little too
close to the project until the day after she'd
done it! That's what Lizzy gets for being
so very busy!
"You want a picture now after you just
took one of my butt? I think not. I shall
now blur my face to protect my innocence."
Last, but not least, I finally grabbed a clue and bought some furniture movers to go under the ol' treadmill so that it's not such a stinkin' chore to move it when needed.
Looks like nothing; does so much! And, yes, our treadmill has
wheels, but I'm sure ours isn't the only one where the wheels
are just a step above useless. So, $3.50 later, and we're in the
move-the-treadmill business!
You have to move it to see the tv, or what's the point of being on the treadmill? Am I right?
And, there you have a number of (I'm certain unexpected) updates from my little corner of the running world! I'm hoping tomorrow morning accommodates an outdoor run (as it doesn't seem like we can count on forecast accuracy, just sayin'), but, if it doesn't, at least I know I can move the treadmill without being all grumbly about it! Find ways to make what you're up to just a little easier or a little bit more fun, and I'll see you after the morning run!

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