Friday, December 28, 2012

Skating By

And, on this Rest Day, I slept in!! YAHOO!! All week, it was my plan to sleep later today, but you know how plans don't always go accordingly! Well, today it panned out, and I was super glad because not only was yesterday a longer running day, but we also had some afternoon activity from which to recover!
There we are hitting the ice! You would have been amazed at the grace and
agility of this group. No ... really ...
Let's hear it for ice skating!! We hardly ever go, so, suffice it to say, my first few laps around the rink were classified as Baby Giraffing. There was nothing particularly graceful going on for myself nor the young Pit Crewers! But, we knew once we regained our ice-legs, we'd have a great time!

As I was wobbling around the rink for the first few laps, I loved noticing how it was hardly just me having a time of it. Of everyone going around the rink, there were probably fewer than 20 who had any proficiency whatsoever. By and large, we were a bunch of tools out there making the best of it, and everyone was having a great time!

Taking the risk: Totally worth it. I've found that to be a winning theme in my world!

So, in the land of what I soon saw as a Great Equalizer (seriously, most everyone out there royally sucked), I loved seeing the risks taken by the Crewers. Both of them had goals. PC#2 had a goal to not fall this year; she didn't fall last year and wanted to maintain that streak. And, she succeeded! PC#3 had a goal to fall fewer times than last year. He recalls falling 32 times. (Accurate? Who knows ... but, he sure did fall a lot !) This year, he fell fewer than 20. Another goal achieved!

You can see which one went down a few times! Mom of the Year here did a
lot of laughing and catching them on camera.
By the way, a sign on the wall let us know that 9 laps equals 1 mile. By Aaron's calculation, we completed 9 miles. I have to report that running 9 miles, while it takes me longer on the roads in my sneakers, is way easier than doing so on ice! Yow. Za. My legs were burning by the time we were finished! And, that, my friends, is what contributed to the success of sleeping later this morning: Exhaustion!

Tomorrow is another Rest Day in which I will gladly indulge! See you from there!

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