Thursday, December 27, 2012

Money Doesn't Really Talk, But It Would Help Me Find It If It Did

When I'm running and keeping my eyes peeled to the ground scoping for prizes, I often wonder what I'm potentially missing to my left when I'm looking to my right (and, of course, vice versa. I also realize there are other times I don't have to wonder what I'm missing because what I missed was that thing I just tripped over. Fortunately, those times are pretty few and far between.). I'm not bugged by my line of questioning, it's just something I think about to entertain my brain.

This morning, I had something of an answer to this apparent unanswerable question. At least, it seems like I did. I was running along one of the exact same roads as yesterday when I came across the running super score: A quarter!! (For some, beating their own time is a super score. We don't live in the same camps, just sayin'.) I am hard pressed to believe this quarter wasn't there yesterday given it's really rough condition. I'm certain I just had my eyes to the left the very moment I passed it on my right. Crazy how that works! If only it could call out to me when I'm passing it ... like, really  call out to me and talk like songs say and like that old saying goes about money talking. Until that happens, which will be never, I'll just keep my feet moving and my eyes peeled.

Elly and I cruised along on our route today better than I expected. I figured we'd be dragging a bit today after yesterday's longer run, but we were just fine and finished just a tenth under 5 miles. Hooray! We also came home with my pocket full of fun:
That banged-up coin in the background is the aforementioned, sad-looking quarter. You spy three more pennies and a BB there, but check out this foreground coin. That is, indeed, a penny. You know how I often get faked out thinking I found a penny only to discover it's a piece of gum? Well, today, I thought I spied a piece of gum and then discovered it was a penny!

Seriously, check this thing out ... it's not even round  anymore!
The penny on top has had it's share of hard times, but at least
it has held shape!
One of these things is, most definitely, not like the other!
Well, even flattened, it totally counts! And, today took us over the dollar mark for the Food Bank count!! WAHOO!! They can get around 15 pounds of food with that dollar, so that is a winning situation!

Tomorrow is a much anticipated Rest Day!! Take it easy yourself ... it's Friday after all!! I'll see you then!

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